
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Swan, A. M., Bratton, S. C., Ceballos, P., & Laird, A. - International Journal of Play Therapy,

This single group pilot study explored the effect of child–parent relationship therapy (CPRT) for adoptive parents of preadolescents who reported attachment related concerns, stress in the parent–child relationship, and child behavior problems.

David Pimentel - Oklahoma Law Review,

This article from the Oklahoma Law Review explores the US child welfare system and the practice of family separation of poor families.


Lumos Foundation USA (Lumos) is seeking a Research Consultant to support a research and advocacy agenda around child and family immigration detention.

Catholic Relief Services,

Catholic Relief Services is seeking a Senior Technical Advisor (STA) for Child Protection and Alternative Care.

CPC Learning Network,

CPC Learning Network is seeking a Project Officer to implement a project to measure the impact of efforts to reduce child labor and modern trafficking.

Natasha E. Latzman, Deborah A. Gibbs, Rose Feinberg, Marianne N. Kluckman, Sue Aboul-Hosn - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper uses administrative data to describe the characteristics and experiences of a population of youth in the child welfare system considered to be at particularly high risk of victimization: youth who have run away from foster care.

Christine Maltais, Chantal Cyr, Geneviève Parent, Katherine Pascuzzo - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this meta-analysis is to identify the most effective interventions to promote parental engagement and family reunification in high-income countries.

Steve Lopez - Los Angeles Times,

This article from the Los Angeles Times tells the story of Linda Huff, a grandmother of four trying to get take on the care of her four grandchildren who are currently in foster care.

Hannah Long-Higgins - BBC News,

This video shares the stories of two "grandfamilies" in the US and a new affordable housing program in Washington, DC designed to house grandparents raising their grandchildren.

The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice and Research,

The 'One Child, Many Hands: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Welfare' is issuing a Call for Presentations.