
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 2541 - 2550 of 3085

List of Organisations

MacDonald, M., Hayes, D., & Houston, S. - Families, Relationships and Societies,

This article presents a comprehensive, narrative review of international, research literature on informal, kinship care.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This guidance from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides information and suggestions for helping children who experience traumatic separation from a caregiver.

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

This report presents data on the total number of adoptions in the United States as well as the number of public, intercountry, and other adoptions. 

Akemi Kamimura, Vanessa Orban Aragão Santos and Paula R. Ballesteros - Brill,

This chapter from the book The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Taking Stock after 25 Years and Looking Ahead, presents the legal framework and public policies that address violence against children in ten South American countries.


Este documento pretende impulsar un cambio en el paradigma de la institucionalización como respuesta a la situación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes privados de cuidados familiares. 

Maternowska, M. C., A. Potts and D. Fry - UNICEF,

This study is a snapshot of a multi-country study involving Italy, Peru, Viet Nam, and Zimbabwe of how individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, and the communities in which people live interact with institutional drivers to increase or reduce a child’s risk of violence.

Camilla Jones – Family for Every Child,

This report presents the key findings of a scoping study on the links between education and children’s care. The study involved a literature review in English, French and Spanish; key informant interviews; and consultations with 170 children, carers, teachers and other stakeholders in Guyana, India, Russia and Rwanda.

Emily Delap and Payal Saksena – Family for Every Child,

This report examines what family means to children and adults in the following countries: Brazil, India, Guyana, South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Kenya.  The storytellers use evidence from 59 short films made using digital storytelling technique.

Save the Children,

Desde el año 2000, el Ranking anual sobre el Estado Mundial de las Madres se ha convertido en una herramienta fiable para mostrar en qué países les va mejor a las madres y sus bebés y dónde enfrentan las mayores dificultades. 

Save the Children,

Este documento discute el enfoque integral utilizado por Save the Children para promover la sinergia entre la autonomía personal y el desarrollo económico.