
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


Esta Guía reúne una serie de programas, prácticas y políticas públicas que resultaron en la garantía del derecho a la convivencia familiar y comunitaria de niñas y niños en su primera infancia. En particular, se caracterizan por ser innovadoras o por haber obtenido buenos resultados en la protección y la restitución de este derecho. Las experiencias recopiladas abarcan programas, proyectos e iniciativas públicas, privadas o mixtas de fortalecimiento familiar, provisión de cuidados alternativos, y de reintegración familiar. 

The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare,

This toolkit, originally published in September 2010 and updated in February 2015, serves as a resource for social workers in the US who are working with immigrant families within the child welfare system.

Terry V. Shaw, Charlotte Lyn Bright, Tanya L. Sharpe - Child Abuse & Neglect ,

This study examines the outcomes for children in the U.S. foster care system who have been placed into care due to parental death and parental incarceration.


A full day event taking place in San Diego on January 25th, 2015 as a part of the Chadwick Center’s 29th Annual Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment which will be held in San Diego from 26-29 January, 2015.

Antonio R. Garcia, Kirk O’Brien, Minseop Kim, Peter J. Pecora, Tracy Harachi and Eugene Aisenberg - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

This study examines the influence of a subset of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), placement instability, and childhood disability in uniquely predicting mental health outcomes among racially diverse foster care alumni from a private foster care agency in the US.

Carmen Solomon-Fears, Specialist in Social Policy - Congressional Research Service,

This paper from the US Congressional Research Service provides an overview of fatherhood initiatives in the United States and includes brief evaluations of five of these initiatives.

Emily Feldhake in Child & Family, Research in Brief - Chicago Policy Review ,

This new study explores the demographics of children placed into out-of-home care in the United States and the effects of group home placement on different populations of youth.

Sidney Goldberg, Founder of the Pathways to Development Program - Huffington Post ,

In this Huffington Post Blog piece, Sidney Goldberg - founder of the Pathways to Development Program at the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services in Chicago - shares his views on needed reform of the child welfare system in the United States.

Jeanette Hercik and John L. Denniston - Youth Today ,

Recent pilot programs focused on service coordination between social protection and child protection in the United States have shown promise in improving outcomes for families.

Cassandra Herrman, New York Times Opinion Pages,

This video features Boniface Mwangi, a Kenyan photojournalist and activist, as he speaks with students and volunteers in the United States about international volunteering.