
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Elizabeth Aparicioa, Edward V. Pecukonisa, Shalita O'Nealeb - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study employed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to explore the experiences and meaning of motherhood among teen mothers in foster care in the United States.

Frank Ligtvoet - Huffington Post Blog ,

In this opinion piece from the Huffington Post, Frank Ligtvoet writes about the cost of international adoption and how those resources might be better directed to keeping families together. The piece is particularly focused on the practice of intercountry adoption amongst the U.S. Christian community.

Destinee Roman - Houston Law Review ,

In this comment, published in the Houston Law Review, the author, Destinee Roman describes and assesses the practice of “re-homing” adopted children.

Jini Roby, Semillas de Esperanza Guatemala de Buckner Internacional y la Escuela de Estudios Judiciales, del Organismo Judicial de Guatemala,

Este taller está diseñado para entrenar los expertos técnicos en los valores y principios básicos involucrados en la labor del trabajo de Protección de  Niñez y Adolescencia.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the third to fifth periodic reports of Uruguay (CRC/C/URY/3-5).

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the consolidated third and fourth periodic reports of Jamaica (CRC/C/JAM/3-4).

Shirvan Williams, Guardian Trinidad and Tobago ,

The foster care system in Trinidad and Tobago may soon see a significant change, according to this article from the Guardian of Trinidad and Tobago.

Megan Burke, Maureen Cavanaugh, Peggy Pico, Hoa Quach - KPBS ,

A new study from the Children's Advocacy Institute at the University of San Diego School of Law presents finds that the United States federal government is not adequately enforcing child welfare laws and standards and that individual states are not adequately complying with these laws, says the article.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation,

The child welfare system was created to care for abused and neglected children. But too often, teenagers are landing in the system because they simply aren’t getting along with their parents. This paper traces Casey’s efforts to learn from communities that are preventing teens from landing in the system by helping families while the teen remains at home. A survey of the states, interviews with experts, secondary research and visits to several communities show common elements of successful programs.The paper presents information on related laws and policies, funding sources and programs for families while including the infrastructure and services needed to support such initiatives.


El presente curso surge del Acuerdo de Cooperación suscripto en 2014 entre UNICEF Argentina y la Asociación civil por los derechos de niños niñas adolescentes y jóvenes Doncel que tiene por objetivo principal contribuir a desarrollar un modelo de acompañamiento integral para adolescentes residentes en los hogares asistenciales de las provincias argentinas de Misiones, Jujuy, Chaco, Santa Fe y Tucumán en transición del sistema de protección hacia la autonomía y la vida adulta.