
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Generations United - PRNewswire,

This article calls attention to Generations United's new tool kit, which "provides essential information to help organizations better serve African American grandfamilies during [the COVID-19 crisis] and into the future." 

Judy L. Thomas - The Kansas City Star,

"In a 60-page report released Thursday that includes photos of rodent droppings, mold and mildew, tattered furniture, broken and boarded up windows and hazardous debris, the government watchdog agency said the Department for Children and Families [for the U.S. state of Kansas] did not ensure that all foster care group homes complied with state licensing requirements in accordance with federal laws and regulations," says this article from the Kansas City Star.

Shanta Trivedi - NBC News, Think,

In this opinion piece for NBC News's Think, Shanta Trivedi, a clinical teaching fellow at the Georgetown University Law Center, argues that "if we’re serious about protecting Black families as a whole, we cannot limit the conversation to the police alone. We need to transform the child welfare system, too."

The National Family Support Network,

The National Family Support Network has developed a unique 1-day in-person/virtual training for Program staff to maximize the great potential of Parent Advisory Committees.

American Academy of Pediatrics,

This guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is designed to support the continuation and improvement of efforts to ensure a stable home and caregiver for children in the child welfare system - which are important to nurturing their development and preventing trauma that can affect a child across the lifespan - so that all children and families may flourish.

Jasmine Aguilera - Time,

"As COVID-19 cases continue to increase across [the U.S.], court orders from two different lawsuits have created a situation that lawyers and advocates are calling another form of family separation," says this article from Time. "Now, parents in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention must decide whether or not to keep their children with them in custody, or to release them out to sponsors."

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series webinar, Family for Every Child members CPTCSA (Philippines), Paicabi (Chile) and Butterflies (India) come together to discuss the work they are doing to address child sexual abuse in their contexts.

Daniel L. Cavanaugh, Carolyn G. Sutherby, Elizabeth Sharda, Anne K. Hughes, Amanda T. Woodward - Children and Youth Services Review,

This exploratory study provides early research to understand the relationship between levels of meaning-making and well-being in kinship caregivers.

Julien Desautels, Luc Touchette, Robert Pauzé - Children and Youth Services Review,

This treatment-process research aims to (1) identify profiles of families participating in intensive family intervention programs, based on youth and family characteristics and (2) compare the intervention received by families with different clinical profiles.

Amy McKlindon, Elizabeth Jordan, Alexandria Wilkins, Sham Habteselasse, Karin Malm, Kristen Harper, Janis Spire, Timothy Ross, Yana Mayevskaya - Child Trends,

This report summarizes some of the major accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned from the Foster Youth Strategic Initiative, which aimed to ensure that older youth in foster care in Los Angeles County (LA) and New York City (NYC) become self-sufficient and thriving adults.