Eastern Asia

Displaying 261 - 270 of 311

List of Organisations

Al Jazeera English,

This video investigates a children’s care home in Japan, one of about 600 such institutions in the country. 

Michael Maher King, University of Oxford,

This Masters thesis paper, by Michael Maher King of the University of Oxford, reviews the situations of children in institutional alternative care in Israel and Japan.

Sarah Sagely Klotz, Faith to Action Initiative,

In this opinion piece, Sarah Sagley Klotz shares her experience of growing up in a small Christian community in the US, learning about the needs of the world from sermons and videos, and later fully realizing the hardships of vulnerable and orphaned children in the developing world through her travels to Mongolia and North Africa. 

BBC News,

This BBC article tells the story of two families, like many others in China, who need intensive medical attention for their children but cannot afford it and are faced with difficult decisions.

Human Rights Watch,

This report by Human Rights Watch examines Japan’s alternative care system for children. It describes its organization and processes, presents current data on the use of different forms of alternative care and highlights the problems found in the institutionalization of most children (including infants), as well as abuses that take place in the system.

Human Rights Watch,

La pratique répandue au Japon de placer des enfants vulnérables dans des institutions au lieu de foyers familiaux prive des milliers d’entre eux de l’opportunité de se préparer à une vie productive et indépendante au sein de la société japonaise, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans ce nouveau rapport.

Human Rights Watch,

La pratique répandue au Japon de placer des enfants vulnérables dans des institutions au lieu de foyers familiaux prive des milliers d’entre eux de l’opportunité de se préparer à une vie productive et indépendante au sein de la société japonaise, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans ce nouveau rapport.

Jonathan Kaiman - The Guardian,

The city of Guangzhou in Southern China opened a “baby hatch” in January 2014 and, in three months, the center became so overwhelmed that the program was suspended, according to this article from the Guardian. 

BBC News,

A baby hatch in southern China has been forced to suspend work after hundreds of infants were abandoned, overwhelming the centre. Supporters say the baby hatches save lives, but critics say they encourage parents to abandon their children.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the Concluding Observations for the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilites.