Eastern Asia

Displaying 281 - 290 of 311

List of Organisations

Better Care Network,

The People’s Republic of China issued its third and fourth combined report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in June 2012. This extract of the report focuses on sections relevant to children's care and in particular those addressing Family Environment and Alternative Care

UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO),

This publication proposes a framework of core indicators for measuring and monitoring national child protection systems in the East Asia and Pacific region.

Feng Hu - International Journal of Educational Development,

This paper uses a large nationally representative survey data to examine the impact of China's rural–urban migration on high school attendance of left-behind children by disentangling the effect of remittances from that of migration.

Hongqin Chang, Xiao-yuan Dong, Fiona MacPhail - World Development,

This analysis of the impact of internal migration on the time allocation patterns of the left-behind elderly and children in rural China, 1997–2006, contributes to the literature on changes in the well-being of the left-behind population. 

ABC News Australia,

This video from ABC News Australia reports on a hospital in Japan that is taking in unwanted newborns from around the country, sparking debate on whether the hospital is helping mothers or encouraging abandonment.

Louise Melville Fulford,

This manual offers a training session targeted at policy makers, professionals and paraprofessionals who are already working on programs to support children without appropriate care, or who may begin work in this area. This workshop focuses on children in developing contexts, who require support within their families and those who need an alternative care placement.

International Social Work ,

The findings of the study underscore the impact of life on the streets on children’s overall subjective wellbeing and the importance of providing life necessities and psychological counseling to these children.

Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues ,

The Russian Union of Social Workers and Social Pedagogues is glad to inform experts in the social sphere about the Fourth International Forum of Social Workers of Siberia and the Far East “Family of the 21-st century. Hope for the Future”. The Forum will take place on 18 – 19 August 2010.

Qun Zhao, Xiaoming Li, Xiaoyi Fang, Bonita Stanton, Guoxiang Zhao, Junfeng Zhao, and Liying Zhang,

This study aims to compare perceived life improvement and life satisfaction among double orphans in 3 main care arrangements (group home, AIDS orphanage, kinship care) in 2 rural Chinese counties.

Elizabeth Larsen,

Explores intercountry adoption from the perspective of the adoptees. Focuses on the experience of Korean adoptees in the United States.