Eastern Asia

Displaying 291 - 300 of 311

List of Organisations

National University of Singapore,

The Asia Pacific Childhoods Conference will take place in Singapore from 17-20 July 2006. The conference will bring together academics, policy makers and practitioners who are working on children’s issues.

International HIV/AIDS Alliance,

This briefing note from the AIDS Alliance is part of a series of briefing notes to assist policy-makers, programme managers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs), local government and communities to respond to the needs of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Asia.

Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation (CPCR), International Labor Organization (ILO) ,

Guidance on the formation of multidisciplinary teams for the provision of services to child victims of abuse and trafficking.

International Labor Organization,

Standards for shelters and care providers responding to children who have been trafficked. It gives guidance and practice examples of intake procedures, interim and longer term care, support services, integration and reunification

Andy West - International Save the Children Alliance,

Examines barriers to the development of a child protection system in Mongolia. Recommendations stress the need to develop integrated child protection as an essential service comprising a dedicated national agency and appropriate legal frameworks.

Ministry of Civil Affairs, China,

This presentation was given at the Alternative Care Workshop in Bangkok in November 2005. It provides an overview of the situation for children without parental care in China, the legal framework for child protection in the country, and the social welfare institutions that support children's care.

Andy West and Chen Xuemei,

Outlines the changing vulnerabilities of children in modern China. Underlines the problematic definition of vulnerability in child protection programmes and advocates holistic approaches that integrate child participation in decision-making.

Andy West,

Emphasizes the social dimensions of psychosocial support interventions, including participatory groupwork and a focus on reducing stigma and discrimination. Argues that psychological interventions such as counseling should never be a first step.

Andy West and Zhang Hui,

A participatory report of concerns raised by children affected by HIV/AIDS in central China. Uses children’s responses to identify child vulnerabilities and suggest appropriate future action.

Andy West,

Focuses on the general principles and actions for developing children’s centres in China. Centres would help initiate national child protection services and children’s participation.