Eastern Europe

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CBS News,

A 17-year-old Ukrainian girl remained in U.S. government custody on Saturday after being denied immediate entry into the country by authorities along the southern border, where a growing number of Ukrainians have been traveling in hopes of entering the U.S., her caregivers told CBS News.

Bethany Dawson - Business Insider,

The Ukrainian Ombudswoman for Human Rights has said that the Russian government is crafting legislation to allow Russians to adopt Ukrainian children forcibly taken to Russia by military forces. She has also stated that, so far, over 121,000 children have been "deported" by the Russian government.

European Parliament,

On 7 April 2022, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on "EU Protection of Children and Young People Fleeing the War Against Ukraine" calling for greater protection of children fleeing war in Ukraine, particularly vulnerable children, for the registration of children entering the EU from institutional care, as well as monitoring their well-being and location in the EU. MEPs called on member states to halt child adoptions in order to avoid further or permanent separation of children from their parents and families against their best interests.

New York Times,

More than 2,000 have reached the U.S. border with Mexico, where an expected spike in migration from other countries will raise tough questions: Who gets priority?


As the most recent conflict in the Ukraine enters its seventh week, countless lives, homes and childhoods continue to be lost.

Susan Jacobs, Maureen Flatley - The Imprint,

For the most part, the Ukrainian government has insisted that the nation’s children remain in Europe to ensure expeditious family reunification when the war is over. Importantly, not all children residing in Ukrainian orphanages were orphans, and many were not eligible for intercountry adoption — the majority have parents and families who placed them in orphanages for economic and medical reasons.


UNICEF is helping to turn Ukrainian subway stations into emergency support spaces for children caught in a brutal war.


Останній раунд дослідження, яке провела МОМ, був завершений, а його результати презентовані 5 квітня, унаслідок чого вдалося оновити дані щодо кількості ВПО в Україні, яка нині становить 7,1 мільйона осіб (на 10% більше порівняно з попередньою цифрою). Цей раунд опитування також продемонстрував зростання кількості ВПО з числа мешканців Півночі (Суми, Житомир, Чернігів) та Києва.


The latest round of IOM’s survey was completed and presented on 5 April, leading to the updated population figure of 7.1 million IDPs in Ukraine (10% increase compared to the previous round). The second round also observed an increase of IDPs coming from Northern areas (Sumy, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv) and Kyiv.

Niamh Griffin - The Irish Examiner,

Sharing a border with southern Ukraine Moldova, with an estimated population of 2.6 million, saw 383,448 arrivals by March 27.