Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

Niamh Griffin - The Irish Examiner,

Sharing a border with southern Ukraine Moldova, with an estimated population of 2.6 million, saw 383,448 arrivals by March 27.

Jen Stout in Bessarabia - The Sunday Post,

In the south of Ukraine, the region has become one of the country’s lifelines. Refugees stream east through here, into Romania. In the opposite direction, a makeshift fleet of vans and cars ferry aid to those who remain. With supply chains broken, many children's homes in Ukraine, particularly those with disabilities, are unable to get medical and food supplies.

European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE),

In response to requests for information, ECRE has compiled a non-exhaustive document of measures taken by European countries to address the arrival of people fleeing the war in Ukraine (UA). The document provides country-by-country information regarding two main areas of policy and legal developments in response to arrivals from UA: the first part identifies measures adopted on entry/stay requirements, reception-related arrangements, as well as asylum procedures; the second part provides information on national measures implementing the Council implementing decision of the Temporary Protection Directive, or establishing other special statuses for persons fleeing Ukraine.


Cash assistance is allowing refugees from Ukraine to make their own decisions about what they need most after arriving in Poland and other countries in the region.


The number of Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russia's war in their country has crossed 4.1 million, the United Nations said Friday, adding: "This tragedy must stop".

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), Child Circle ,

This briefing paper focuses on responses in the European Union (EU) to the arrival of unaccompanied children fleeing from Ukraine.


In the brochure, you will find the basic rules of safety, hygiene, nutrition, vaccination, psychological support - the answers to the questions that are currently most relevant are collected in one material prepared by UNICEF with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Debbie Elliott, Hiba Ahmad, Melissa Gray - WAMU,

Social worker Taryn LaMaison is a state worker in Louisiana who provides hands-on guidance for 18- to 21-year-olds who are no longer in traditional foster care because they have officially aged out of the system. She’s what’s known as a LifeSet specialist — a counselor who helps these young adults with everything from where to live to how to find a job.

Changing the Way We Care,

Instruirea „Principii Sigure și Demne în Situații de Urgență” oferă spre discuție subiecte importante precum responsabilitatea noastră de a proteja copiii și adulții expuși riscului în situația de urgență actuală; principiile „de a nu face mai rău

Changing the Way We Care,

The training Safe Responses During Emergency Situations covers topics such as our responsibility to protect children and adults at risk in an emergency, the principles of 'do no further harm’ and 'best interests of the child’ in practice; the four Rs: recognition; response; reporting; recording and what we can and should practically do in an emergency situation.