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The Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Maryna Lazebna said that today a formal proposal had been sent to 23 countries through diplomatic channels to conclude bilateral memoranda on protection of the rights of displaced children from vulnerable categories and a draft memorandum as well.
One month into the war in Ukraine, millions of people, mainly women and children, continue to flee their homes. As long as the conflict continues, the risk of them being targeted by criminal networks grows.
In this press release the UN Child Rights Committee asked States to provide core and integrated support to traumatised Ukrainian children, especially those who are unaccompanied.
This opinion piece published in the BMJ, argues that evidence based parenting support is needed for families in both sudden and protracted crises, to help protect children from adverse outcomes. The authors say that in emergencies, families need evidence based support that is accessible, relevant, and simple. The parenting programmes prevent and disrupt the intergenerational transmission of violence and trauma and improve mental health for parents and children. When combined with economic assistance (“‘cash plus care”) they are even more effective.
Această formare rapidă a fost concepută pentru a oferi informații familiilor de plasament (foster care) din Moldova în vederea pregătirii pentru plasamentul copiilor neînsoțiți și separați din Ucraina. Pachetul de formare include un PPT și un ghid al facilitatorului. Conținutul oferit în timpul programului de formare de șase ore include informații de bază despre traumele din copilărie, experiențele adverse din copilărie, elementele-cheie ale PFA, inclusiv "Privește, Ascultă și Leagă”, precum și înțelegerea modului în care se pot identifica și sprijini atât copiii care au trecut prin traume, cât și modul în care acestea se pot manifesta la diferite vârste și etape de dezvoltare.
Conflict-related traumas can trigger "elevations in heart rate, breathing and stress hormones related to the fight or flight response. Repeat exposure to toxic stress in that way can affect the developing brain of children, and it has lifelong consequences for learning, behavior and health," says Theresa Betancourt, a professor at the Boston College School of Social Work and director of the Research Program on Children and Adversity.
The European Commission established the Solidarity Program which supports EU Member States and other States to share the responsibility of recieving refugees from Ukraine. The most vulnerable refugees will be prioritized for transfer, including people with disabilities, older people, those with severe medical conditions, and mothers with young children. Unaccompanied and separated children will only be transferred following best interest procedures and family tracing.
More than 500,000 people from Ukraine have fled to Romania since Feb. 24. Most have already moved further west, but just under 80,000 remain, primarily women with small children. They are acutely aware of the dangers they could face if they remain in Ukraine.
This handbook was prepared by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine with the support of the project "Support to Government Reforms in Ukraine" (SURGe), in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.01.1995 No. 57 "On approval of the rules of crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine" (as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers of 12.03.2022 No. 264). It outlines practical guidelines for Ukraine citizens when crossing the State border of Ukraine.
Цей запис підготовлено Міністерством соціальної політики України за підтримки проекту «Підтримка державних реформ в Україні» (SURGe), відповідно до постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 27.01.1995 р. № 57». Про затвердження Правил перетину державного кордону громадянами України» (в редакції постанови КМУ від 12.03.2022 р. № 264). У ньому викладено практичні рекомендації для громадян України при перетині державного кордону України.