Eastern Europe

Displaying 251 - 260 of 1003

List of Organisations

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine,

This handbook was prepared by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine with the support of the project "Support to Government Reforms in Ukraine" (SURGe), in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.01.1995 No. 57 "On approval of the rules of crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine" (as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers of 12.03.2022 No. 264). It outlines practical guidelines for Ukraine citizens when crossing the State border of Ukraine. 

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine,

Цей запис підготовлено Міністерством соціальної політики України за підтримки проекту «Підтримка державних реформ в Україні» (SURGe), відповідно до постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 27.01.1995 р. № 57». Про затвердження Правил перетину державного кордону громадянами України» (в редакції постанови КМУ від 12.03.2022 р. № 264). У ньому викладено практичні рекомендації для громадян України при перетині державного кордону України. 

Pulitzer Center,

While most refugees, especially those from the Kyiv area, have flowed to Poland, an estimated 350,000 have entered Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries.


There is a "huge risk" that Ukrainian children and women fleeing the war may fall victim to human trafficking, the European Union's Home Affairs Commissioner warned on Monday.

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine,

The Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Maryna Lazebna said that as of 19 March 2022, 4,894 children from 179 institutions of institutional care have been evacuated. Of these, 2,522 children were relocated within Ukraine, and 2,372 children from 116 institutions were relocated abroad.

Lexi Lonas - The Hill,

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Saturday announced that more than 1.5 million children have fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion began on Feb. 24. The agency warned that the high number of child refugees comes with an increased risk of trafficking as traffickers look to take advantage of chaotic situations such as this.

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine,

The Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, Maryna Lazebna, said that as of 19 March 2022, 4,894 children from 179 institutions of institutional care have been evacuated. Of these, 2,522 children were relocated withinUkraine, and 2,372 children from 116 institutions were relocated abroad.

Jo Harper - BBC News,

Polish businesses have mobilised quickly to help refugees. Two million have already arrived here.

Annika Burgess, Jenny Cai, Iris Zhao - ABC News,

Millions of children remain in areas of conflict in Ukraine as Russia's bombardment intensifies. In recent days, several apartment buildings and hospitals have been struck, while neighbourhoods have been wiped out, leaving bodies trapped under rubble. This article details ways parents and caregivers are helping children deal with the trauma of the war.

Kim Sengupta - The Independent ,

Some of the war’s youngest victims are a group of babies carried by Ukrainian mothers for couples living overseas who are unable to collect their newborns after Russia’s invasion, reports Kim Sengupta in Kyiv.