Displaying 581 - 590 of 1021
This study explored whether patterns of catch-up growth affect metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes in previously institutionalized adolescents in Romania.
It has long been recognized that early adversity represents a strong risk factor for the development of later psychopathology.
The aim of this study was to examine trajectories of latent psychopathology factors—general (P), internalizing (INT), and externalizing (EXT)—among children reared in institutions and to evaluate whether randomization to foster care is associated with reductions in psychopathology from middle childhood through adolescence.
This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This study reviews a series of interrelated studies on the development of children residing in institutions (i.e., orphanages) in the Russian Federation or placed with families in the USA and the Russian Federation.
This film from Lumos is about the people who know that there is an alternative to institutional care, and who are working hard to make it happen.
The theme of this year's ISPCAN Congress, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic 2-5 September 2018, is "Child Protection in the Changing World."
This video from the Economist explores the history of institutionalization in Romania and the efforts now underway to transition to family-based care and small group homes for children.
This report presents findings from assessments of the care systems in Armenia, Ghana, Moldova, and Uganda by system component and areas of care, and summarizes recommendations for strengthening alternative care systems.
This article explores the impacts of two common forms of early childhood adversity, maltreatment and placement in institutional care, on children's behavioral, psychiatric, and physical health into adulthood.