Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

Alan Carr, Hollie Duff, Fiona Craddock - Trauma, Violence, & Abuse,

The aim of the systematic review described in this article was to determine the outcome of child maltreatment in long-term childcare and the scope of the evidence base in this area.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Brandi N. Hawk, Robert B. Mccall, Christina J. Groark, Rifkat J. Muhamedrahimov, Oleg I. Palmov, Natalia V. Nikiforova - nfant Mental Health Journal,

The current study from the Infant Mental Health Journal addressed whether two institution‐wide interventions in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, that increased caregiver sensitivity (Training Only: TO) or both caregiver sensitivity and consistency (Training plus Structural Changes: T+SC) promoted better socioemotional and cognitive development than did a No Intervention (NoI) institution during the first year of life for children who were placed soon after birth.

Agence France-Presse - South China Morning Post,

An investigation into an “orphanage of terror” in the north of Romania was launched this week by Romanian prosecutors, according to this article from South China Morning Post.

Nóra Kovács - Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings,

The paper aims at contributing to the knowledge and understanding of growing up transnationally and ‘doing transnational family’ between China and Hungary. It has a special focus on mobile childhoods in transnational families and links specific childcare-related phenomena with the process of the integration of second generation migrants.

Rafaela H. PascoalAdina N. E. Schwartz - Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings,

The authors of this article have started to conduct a qualitative research intending to determine, if and to which extent, children left behind are vulnerable to human trafficking.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in the Moldovan langauge, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in the Moldovan lanugage, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children.

Molly Cannon, Camelia Gheorghe, Moldova country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at informing action planning to address priority needs identified in alternative care for children in Moldova.