Eastern Europe

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Republic of Moldova,

În scopul executării art. 20 lit. c) din Legea nr. 140 din 14 iunie 2013 privind protecţia specială a copiilor aflaţi în situaţie de risc şi a copiilor separaţi de părinţi (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2013, nr. 167-172, art.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova,

The 2018 Annual Social Report presents an analysis of the general characteristics of the policies of the health, labor and social protection system as a whole.

Liudmyla Kryvachuk - Labor et Educatio,

This article focuses on the study of current transformation processes occurring in Ukraine in the provision of social services to various groups of children, in particular orphan children and children deprived of parental care.

Save the Children in North West Balkans,

Data and Trend Analysis (DATA) Refugees and Migrants at the Western Balkans Route Regional Overview, covering period October - December 2018, describes key trends in migrations in the region, detailing information about the number of people on the move, demography (age, sex, country of origin, etc), behavioral patterns, and routes in use - with a focus on children, particularly unaccompanied children. Data in this report includes key trends in Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia.

Mariana Ianachevici & Maria Orlov - Fiat Iustitia,

In this paper, the authors analyze the national regulatory framework of the Republic of Moldova in light of its compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the context of commitments made in support of young people who leave the alternative care on the grounds of age.

Maria Roth, Imola Antal, Ágnes Dávid-Kacsó, Éva László-Bodrogi, Anca Mureșan - Revista de Asistenţă Socială,

Exploring the testimonials collected during a focus group and 45 individual interviews with adult alumni of such institutions the Romanian research team enrolled in the SASCA Project revealed a wide range of forms of violence and traumatic consequences.

Iva Junova and Gabriela Slaninova - International Conference of Society, Health and Welfare,

The aim of the article is to describe the system of the substitute family care in the Czech Republic and to introduce a foster care as one of the institutes of the substitute family care.

Veronika Hvozdíková, Marek Radvanský, Dzmitry Babicki - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands,


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) & United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),

This report summarizes the main findings of the ‘Study on Violence against Women and Violence against Children,’ conducted in Albania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine from 2016 to 2017, to identify major areas of overlap between intimate partner violence (IPV) and violence against children (VAC).

Veronika Blažková & Daniela Nováková - Street Children: An International Perspective,

This article describes the changes in institutional care in the Czech Republic that were ushered in with the acceptance of the law on the execution of institutional or protective upbringing in 2002.