Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

Audrey Young, Rhiannon J. Luyster, Nathan A. Fox, Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson III - British Journal of Developmental Psychology,

This study employed event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine the neural correlates of facial emotion processing in 12-year-old children who took part in a randomized controlled trial of foster care as an intervention for early institutionalization. 

Nick Thorpe - BBC News, Hungary,

Tophaz Special Home, a 220-bed state institution for the disabled in Hungary, is to be closed following a shock report by a human rights group.

Dr Sarah Woodin - Mental Disability Advocacy Centre, Ann Craft Trust, Global Initiative on Psychiatry, The League of Human Rights ,

This report is one of several outputs arising from the project “Identifying and Preventing Abuse of Children with Mental Disabilities in Institutions.” The report presents findings from the monitoring of European institutions where children with intellectual disabilities and children with psychosocial disabilities live on a permanent or semi-permanent basis, through the development of tools and guidance aligned with international human rights law and policy.

Charles A. Nelson - Spectrum News,

In this article, the researcher Charles Nelon describes the impacts of psychosocial deprivation, common among children living in institutions, on children's development and its relationship to autism.

DailyNews Hungary,

DailyNews Hungary reports Hungary plans to begin transitioning children out of institutional care into foster homes beginning in 2018.

Real Stories,

This documentary from 'Real Stories' tells the stories of three young adults who were born in Romania and spent their early years in large-scale institutions.

Joanna Rogers - Family for Every Child,

This report presents the findings from a study that aimed to explore the application in practice of the ‘necessity principle’ from the Guidelines on Alternative Care for Children (UN, 2009) by using three quantitative and three qualitative indicators that provide information about whether children and families have received support to the fullest extent possible before a child ends up outside of parental care arrangements in formal or informal care, or living alone. 

Franziska Gassmann, Melissa Siegel, Michaella Vanore, Jennifer Waidler - Child Indicators Research,

Using household survey data collected between September 2011 and December 2012 from Moldova and Georgia, this paper measures and compares the multidimensional well-being of children with and without parents abroad.

Adrian V. Rus, Ecaterina Stativa, Max E. Butterfield, Jacquelyn S. Pennings, Sheri R. Parris, Gabriel Burcea, Reggies Wenyika - Child Abuse Review,

This study emphasises different facets of peer exploitation awareness and experience identified in closed-type institutions, including a couple of abusive behaviours that have not been previously identified in long-term residential centres.


The aim of this guide is to enable advocates to access the legal and practical tools needed to secure an end to, and compensation for, violations of rights suffered while in institutional care.