Eastern Europe

Displaying 691 - 700 of 1021

List of Organisations

Frank C Verhulst - The Lancet,

In this comment piece that accompanies Child-to-adult neurodevelopmental and mental health trajectories after early life deprivation: the young adult follow-up of the longitudinal English and Romanian Adoptees study, Frank C Verhulst discusses how that study "fills an important knowledge gap on the long-term mental health consequences of early severe childhood deprivation."

Prof Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke, Mark Kennedy, Prof Robert Kumsta, Nicky Knights, Dennis Golm, Prof Michael Rutter, et al. - The Lancet,

This study used data from the English and Romanian Adoptees study to assess whether deprivation-associated adverse neurodevelopmental and mental health outcomes persist into young adulthood.

V.K. Terziev - Conference Paper. Conference: The VII International Academic Congress “Fundamental and Applied Studies in EU and CIS Countries”,

This paper examines the deinstitutionalisation process in Bulgaria.

Kenneth A. McLean, Samantha Hardie, Abigail Paul, Gary Paul, Iain Savage, Paul Shields, Rebecca Symes, Joanna Wilson, Catherine Winstanley, Jeni Harden — Disability and Health Journal,

Three semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted with twelve schoolchildren, aged 13–15 years for the purpose of exploring the knowledge and attitudes towards disability of young people within Moldova.

Maxim Tucker – ODR: Russia and Beyond,

In this issue of ODR, Maxim Tucker details the deinstitutionalization challenges facing Ukraine

Doug Stanglin - USATODAY,

USA TODAY reports Russia is willing to open up discussions with the United States regarding the possibility of lifting its four-year old adoption ban.

NORC at the University of Chicago,

NORC seeks two Senior Social Welfare/Child Protection Experts to work in collaboration with NORC’s evaluation experts on the endline evaluation for a U.S. Agency for International development (USAID) funded Displaced Children and Orphan’s Fund (DCOF) project in Burundi and Moldova.

CatholicCulture.org - Catholic World News,

Czech bishop calls government's preference for foster care "completely unrealistic".

International Organization for Migration (IOM), MICIC,

Контрольный список входит в состав инструментария, разработанного МОМ в качестве технического руководства по практическому применению Руководящих положений Инициативы МИСИК, включая руководящее положение 13: Переселение и при необходимости эвакуация мигрантов. Это свод не имеющих обязательной силы рекомендуемых действий, направленных на то, чтобы потребности детей-мигрантов в особой защите были учтены в ходе гуманитарной эвакуации. С помощью этого функционального инструмента государства и международные организации смогут соблюсти принципы защиты детей (ЗД) при организации гуманитарной эвакуации, учитывая индивидуальные условия уязвимости детеймигрантов и обеспечивая их потребности до, во время и после эвакуации. Подразумевается, что рекомендуемые действия будут в полной мере внедрены в операции по всеобщей эвакуации; они не предполагают организации отдельного процесса эвакуации детей.

International Organization for Migration (IOM), MICIC,

The Checklist is a part of the toolkit developed by the IOM to provide technical guidance for the operationalization of the MICIC Initiative Guidelines. It is a non-binding compilation of recommended actions to ensure that the specific protection needs of migrant children are taken into consideration during humanitarian evacuations.