Displaying 701 - 710 of 1021
This book presents the results of this research on more than 52,000 children placed in public care in Romania (in special protection) who receive family or residential-type protection services as well as on the children at risk of separation from their families from the source communities.
This paper examines the situation of children in Romania whose parents are going to work abroad, leaving the children without parental care.
The paper presents a detailed analysis of the Russian official statistics for orphans and children placed out of parental care.
The article contains analysis of parental potential in foster families and the resources of its strengthening with the support of the professional community.
This report from Opening Doors discusses the Opening Doors II pan-European campaign launched in Chisinau.
The Bulgaria Country Fact Sheet provides short details on the state of institutional care in Bulgaria.
Extracting on chronologic data, this book discusses the politics and practice of intercountry adoption starting with the state international adoption to in the 1950s continuing to present-day adoption practice and protections.
This abstract relays the findings of a survey on informal carers' views and opinions under the current conditions of social support in the Czech Republic.
This article discusses Bulgaria's challenges since the shut down of its crowded institutions, which housed disabled children.
This document summarizes the content of the 6-7 October 2016 Network Meeting of National Statistical Offices. The event comprised of a number of presentations on topics related to the SDGs and data on children in alternative care.