Eastern Europe

Displaying 901 - 910 of 1003

List of Organisations

European Commission Daphne Programme, WHO Regional Office, University of Birmingham,

Comprehensive manual on the theory and process of deinstitutionalization based on the experiences of childcare professionals across the European region.

Republic of Moldova,

This document presents the law on social services of Moldova.

Republic of Moldova,

This document presents the adoption law of Moldova.

Adrian V. Rus, Wesley C. Lee, Dafnne B. Bautista Salas, Sheri R. Parris, Rebecca D. Webster, Austin R. Lobo, Stativa Ecaterina, Cosmin Popa - Research, Education and Development: Symposium Proceedings,

This article explores the experience of institutionalization of Romanian children and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory.

Eurochild Secretariat,

In 2009 Eurochild carried out a survey of the situation of children in alternative care in Europe through its member organisations. The survey was not intended as a scientifically rigorous research exercise but rather to identify what information is readily available and to note some common trends across Europe.

Minister of Social Protection, Family and Child and DFID/SIDA ,

This "Practical Guide: System for Prevention of Child Separation from the Family" was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child with technical support from the "Support to the Delivery of Efficient and Sustainable Social Assistance Services” project implemented by OPM/EveryChild Moldova, funded by DFID/SIDA.

Save the Children UK, Bulgaria Program,

Guidance and forms on preventing institutionalization of children and promoting family unification. The manual includes good practices and lessons learnt, training plans, care planning forms, and assessment guidance.

Vesna Bosnjak,

Guidance for practitioners involved in child care reform, including direction on planning for de-institutionalization in parallel with community based services

Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child (Moldova) and OPM/EveryChild Moldova,

The Practical Guide of the Professional Supervision Mechanism in Social Assistance was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child (Moldova), with the technical support of the "Support in the Deliver

CARE et Solidarites Enfants Roumains Abandonnes (SERA) ,

Vingt ans ont passé depuis la Révolution de 1989, symbole de la chute du Conducator Nicolae Ceausescu. Pourtant, force est de constater que l’empreinte laissée par la politique pro-nataliste est toujours aussi forte. La Roumanie présente la spécificité d’être le seul pays où les abandons d'enfants aient été encouragés et organisés par l’Etat. Cette politique de Ceausescu poursuivait un triple objectif démographique, idéologique et politique.