Northern Europe

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List of Organisations

Peter Moss - Children and Youth Services Review,

Parental leave and early childhood education and care have gained a high profile in child and family policy fields, and both have been the subject of substantial cross-national mapping, describing and comparing their main features across a range of countries. This article provides overviews on parental leave and early childhood services in affluent countries, and reflections on this mapping.

Gosta Esping-Andersen, Irwin Garfinkel, Wen-Jui Han, Katherine Magnuson, Sander Wagner, Jane Waldfogel,

Child care and early education policies may not only raise average achievement but may also be of special benefit for less advantaged children, in particular if programs are high quality. We test whether high quality child care is equalizing using rich longitudinal data from two comparison countries, Denmark and the United States. 

Neil Gilbert - Children and Youth Services Review,

A comparative analysis of child welfare systems in 10 countries identifies three broad functional orientations – child protection, family service and child development.

UNICEF and Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ,

Event to launch two new reports on importance of deinstitutionalization for all persons

Sonia Jackson and Claire Cameron ,

The first comparative study of young people who have been in state care as children and their post-compulsory education, was undertaken by a team of cross-national researchers.


The core aim of this programme is to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children in Scotland through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research.


This report analyzes how a small sample of 12 children’s homes in England achieved and sustained outstanding status over a period of three years. The report describes and interprets what inspectors found to be the reasons for success in these outstanding homes and how the providers themselves explained the factors that contribute to outstanding care. The experience of the children and young people who live in these homes is also a key element of the report as it is, of course, the real hallmark of quality.

Judy Furnivall, SIRCC, on behalf of Scottish Attachment in Action - Institute for Research and Innovation on Social Services,

This document stresses the importance of healthy attachments for children, especially looked after children. It provides an overview of attachment theory, presents the policy context of looked after children in Scotland, outlines the evidence on effective interventions for children in care and their families, and highlights findings and practice implications.

Rachel Blades, Di Hart, Joanna Lea, Natasha Willmott - Prison Reform Trust,

The main aim of this research is to enhance the understanding of why children in care in the UK are disproportionately likely to end up in the youth justice system or in custody.

Department for Education, UK,

This document contains the UK National Minimum Standards (NMS) applicable to the provision of adoption services.