Northern Europe

Displaying 751 - 760 of 1561

List of Organisations

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Ena Miller - BBC News,

Through the story of one woman, Zara, this article from BBC News highlights a growing trend of parents in the UK (particularly pregnant women) who flee to other countries in the fears that, if they stay, their children will be taken into care.

Coram Voice,

This snapshot summarises the findings from the responses of 474 16-25 year old care leavers who completed the Your Life Beyond Care (YLBC) survey in 6 local authorities in England - an overall response rate of 30%. This snapshot gives an insight into how care leavers really feel about their lives.

Jonathan Dickens, Judith Masson, Ludivine Garside, Julie Young, Kay Bader - Child & Family Social Work,

This open access paper draws on empirical research into the outcomes of care proceedings for a randomly selected sample of 616 children in England and Wales, about half starting proceedings in 2009–2010 and the others in 2014–2015. The paper considers the challenges of achieving and assessing “good outcomes” for the children.

Centre for Continuing Professional Development, School of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire,

This Master Class, taught by David Tobis and Andy Bilson, is for practitioners in the field who are working to reform child protection systems.

Chloe Setter - Thomson Reuters Foundation News,

In this piece for Thomson Reuters Foundation News, Lumos Senior Advisor, Chloe Setter, writes about recent strides made to include orphanage trafficking in the UK's Modern Slavery Act. 


This inspection framework, developed by the UK's Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted), provides guidance about how children’s homes are inspected, for use from April 2019.

Amy Weatherburn & Yvonne Eloise Mellon - New Journal of European Criminal Law,

This article will consider the extent to which the protection of child trafficking victims under the jurisdiction of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 is sufficient to fulfil the legal positive obligations imposed by EU Law.

Jannike Kaasbøll, Eva Lassemo, Veronika Paulsen, Line Melby, Solveig O. Osborg - Children and Youth Services Review,

This current systematic literature review aims to examine what is known about foster parents' needs, satisfaction and perceptions of foster parent training.

David Lynes & Angela Sitoe - Adoption & Fostering,

This study uses a qualitative approach to explore the experiences of 22 UK foster carers when a child is ‘moved on’ from a placement, focusing specifically on their experiences of loss.