Southern Europe

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UNICEF is seeking a consultant to consolidate and document the learning from the Supported-Independent Living (SIL) project for unaccompanied children (UAC) pilot, in order to draw lessons from the experience.


With a view to securing programme scale up and sustainability at the national level, UNICEF in Montenegro is commissioning a feasibility assessment in order to develop recommendations for the Government of Montenegro on how the Parenting for Lifelong Health Programme for Young Children can be implemented at scale by national service providers. 

Mónica Guzmán Zapater - Cuadernos de derecho transnacional,

No reconocimiento de Kafala constituida entre ciudadanos marroquíes a efectos de adopción. Antecedentes y alcance de la prohibición contenida en el artículo 19.4 de la Ley de adopción internacional.

UNICEF’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO),

This report presents findings from a survey conducted across the Europe and Central Asia Region which aimed to enhance understanding of the use of digital platforms for child protection.

Nuria Camuñas, María Vaíllo, Irini Mavrou, María Brígido, Miriam Poole Quintana - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study analysed the executive, emotional, and behavioural profile of 121 minors aged between 13 and 17, who were living in residential care homes funded by Asociación Nuevo Futuro (Spain).

Estrella Romero, Laura López-Romero, Beatriz Domínguez-Álvarez, Paula Villar, and Jose Antonio Gómez-Fraguela - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

The present study aimed to examine the effects of the Spanish confinement derived from the COVID-19 crisis on children and their families, accounting for child’s age.

Mara Sanfelici, Barry Wellman, Silvana Mordeglia - Journal of Social Work,

This study examines a sample of 1705 cases of unaccompanied and separated children (UASCs) included in a pilot project for early recovery child protection intervention.

Aida Urrea Monclús, Ainoa Mateos Inchaurrondo, Laura Fernández-Rodrigo, M Àngels Balsells Bailón - Journal of Social Work,

This article presents the results of a qualitative study whose objective was to collect information on the perceptions of changes in parents and their children who are in the Spanish foster care system after completing a positive parenting programme.

Caterina Balenzano - Child & Family Social Work,

This evaluation study examined a Family Services Centre (FSC) operating in a socio‐culturally deprived suburban area of Southern Italy to explore how to promote innovative practices to meet increasingly complex family needs.

Nuria Molano, Esperanza León, Jesús M. Jiménez‐Morago, Maite Román, Cristina Murillo - Child & Family Social Work,

This study aims to analyse the interaction between children in foster care and their main caregivers during a microcoded co‐construction task, focusing on the verbal and non‐verbal behaviours that the adults use to promote a secure attachment in the child.