
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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2019 marks the 20thanniversary of Scotland's flagship residential child care conference. SIRCC is an annual event in the calendar for those working with looked after children in Scotland. The conference will be held 4 & 5 June 2019 in Glasgow.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This report from SOS Children's Villages describes the Leaving Care Project, a project that was set up to develop and implement a state-of-the-art training programme for care professionals who work directly with young people leaving care in order to equip them with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to work with young people in transition.

Alessio Fasulo & Paolo Howard - Save the Children Italy,

The general objective of the project "Children Come First: Intervention at the border" is to strengthen the system of protection and reception of migrant children arriving in Italy, whether they are separated or accompanied by their parents. In this final dossier, a balance sheet of the intervention has been drawn up and it focuses on the evolution of migration flows of unaccompanied foreign minors over the past two years.

Gillian Mann y Emma de Vise-Lewis - Family for Every Child,

Pese a que hay un consenso sobre la importancia del cuidado efectivo en las familias para los niños, existe una falta de discusión y acuerdo sobre los componentes precisos de este cuidado. Este informe contribuye a debatir sobre este importante tema al proporcionar perspectivas de los grupos focales con 198 niños y 81 adultos de Brasil, Colombia, Egipto, México, Rusia, Ruanda y Zimbabue.

Gillian Mann and Emma de Vise-Lewis - Family for Every Child,

There is extensive research demonstrating clearly the importance of a safe and caring family for child wellbeing and development. While there is consensus on the importance of effective care in families for children, there is a lack of discussion and agreement about the precise components of this care. This report contributes to debates on the components of family care by providing perspectives from nearly 200 children and over 80 adults from Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The report demonstrates that there are many commonalities in perspectives on and experiences of care across contexts.

Regina Gairal-Casadó, Carme Garcia-Yeste, Maria Teresa Novo-Molinero, Zoel Salvadó-Belarta - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study analyzed how the implementation of the strategy of extending learning time in a group of adolescents living in residential care contributed to promoting their scientific vocations and increasing their academic expectations and their knowledge of these disciplines.

Christine Jones, Gillian Henderson, Ruth Woods - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study extends the research on the experiences and outcomes of siblings in care by comprehensively mapping sibling networks both within and outside the care system and measuring sibling estrangement (living apart and lack of contact) over time among children in Scotland.

Paulo Delgado, João M. S. Carvalho, Carme Montserrat, Joan Llosada-Gistau - Child Indicators Research,

The aim of this study is to compare the subjective well-being (SWB) of children hosted in institutions and in foster families with the well-being of children living with their families. Results indicate that children in residential care have a lower SWB in all variables compared to foster care and general populations groups.

Matthew Gibson - Families, Relationships and Societies,

Given that research identifies parental experiences of shame and humiliation in the child protection process, this article reports on a qualitative study that investigated how and why parents experienced such emotions within the English system.

Ranjan Debnath, Alva Tang, Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox - Developmental Science,

In this article, the authors present findings from a follow‐up assessment from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP) - the first longitudinal study to investigate the neurodevelopment of institutionalized infants randomized to a foster care (FCG) intervention versus care as usual (CAUG)- of brain electrical activity as indexed by resting EEG at age 16 years.