
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1891 - 1900 of 3284

List of Organisations

BBC Radio 2,

This episode of BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine program features an interview with Rukhiya Budden, who grew up in an orphanage in Kenya.

Svetlana Stankovic and Gabrielle Jackson - The Guardian,

This article introduces a series from the Guardian that explores the experiences of fathers on paternity leave or caring full-time for their children.

Carmen Paniagua, Jesús Palacios, Jesús M. Jiménez-Morago, Francisco Rivera - Research on Social Work Practice,

The two goals of this article from the Special Issue on Adoption Breakdown of the journal of Research on Social Work Practice are the analysis of the duration of adoptive placements ending in breakdown and the role of age at placement in the breakdown experience in Spain.

MEASURE Evaluation,

This report presents findings from assessments of the care systems in Armenia, Ghana, Moldova, and Uganda by system component and areas of care, and summarizes recommendations for strengthening alternative care systems.

Dr Nicola Ellis,

This paper reviews the Healthy Young Minds (HYMs) program for looked after children in Tameside & Glossop, UK.

Matthew Oakley, Guy Miscampbell, Raphael Gregorian - Social Market Foundation,

This report from the Social Market Foundation review the care system in the UK, including outcomes for children in care and the "silent crisis" in the care system.

Lea-Marie Mohwinkel, Anna Christina Nowak, Anne Kasper, Oliver Razum - BMJ Open,

The aim of this study was to summarise the current evidence regarding gender differences in the mental health of unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) and to identify gaps in research.

Jesús M. Jiménez-Morago, Esperanza León, Cecilia Algeciras - Children and Youth Services Review,

The main purpose of this paper is to explore non-kin foster carers' sense of parental competence and analyze its determinants and predictors in non-kin foster families.

Sylvana MCôté, Massimiliano Orri, Mikko Marttila, Tiina Ristikari - The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,

This study aimed to compare the rates of psychiatric diagnoses and criminal convictions in young adulthood (ages 18–25 years) among children who were first placed at ages 2–6 years with those of children who were not placed and who had similar sociodemographic and family characteristics.

Charles A Nelson - The Lancet,

This article explores the impacts of two common forms of early childhood adversity, maltreatment and placement in institutional care, on children's behavioral, psychiatric, and physical health into adulthood.