
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1861 - 1870 of 3284

List of Organisations

David Pitcher & Shabana Jaffar - Adoption & Fostering,

This article describes the experiences of Muslim children in care in the UK and critically examines how their situation matches the definitions of good practice in agencies and professionals seeking to help them.

Sheila Redfern, Sally Wood, Dana Lassri, Antonella Cirasola, Grace West, Chloe Austerberry, Patrick Luyten, Peter Fonagy, Nick Midgley - Adoption & Fostering,

This article sets out the rationale for the Reflective Fostering Programme (RFP), outlines its key elements and concludes by indicating future service implementation and a planned feasibility study examining this approach.

Ruth Woods, Gillian Henderson - Adoption & Fostering,

The current study addressed gaps in evidence of growing early intervention in the form of out of home care through a comparison of two samples of children in Scotland: 110 children born in 2003 and 117 born in 2013, all of whom were placed under compulsory measures of supervision prior to three years of age.

Rick Hood, David Nilsson, & Ruth Habibi - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper presents findings from an independent study of Ofsted inspections into children's social care in England, covering reports under three inspection frameworks during the period 2009 to 2016.


The theme of this year's ISPCAN Congress, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic 2-5 September 2018, is "Child Protection in the Changing World."

Christine May - University of Surrey,

This thesis study aimed to explore what Looked After Children (LAC) value in their friendships in order to understand what support may help them gain the maximum benefits from these relationships.

Ms Edel Tierney, Dr Danielle Kennan, Dr Cormac Forkan, Dr Bernadine Brady, and Ms Rebecca Jackson - UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway,

This evaluation study focuses on the implementation of and the outcomes from the Programme for Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) programme, a programme of action being undertaken by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency of Ireland.

Udayan Care,

This 10th issue of the Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond (ICEB) journal, released in September 2018, is a Special Focus issue on ‘Aftercare.’

Sara R. Jaffee, PhD, Antony Ambler, MSc, Melissa Merrick, PhD, Sidra Goldman-Mellor, PhD, Candice L. Odgers, PhD, Helen L. Fisher, PhD, Andrea Danese, MD, PhD, and Louise Arseneault, PhD - American Journal of Public Health,

The objective of this study was to test whether childhood maltreatment was a predictor of (1) having low educational qualifications and (2) not being in education, employment, or training among young adults in the United Kingdom today.

UBS Optimus Foundation,

UBS Optimus Foundation is seeking an Associate Programme Director of Child Protection.