
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Gwenllian Moody, Lucy Brookes-Howell, Rebecca Cannings-John, Sue Channon, Elinor Coulman, Mandy Lau, Alyson Rees, Jonathan Scourfield, Jeremy Segrott and Michael Robling - BioMed Central,

This randomised controlled trial will evaluate the Fostering Changes programme in Wales, a 12-week group-based training programme for foster and kin carers.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Geneva, Switzerland.

Caterina Balenzano, Gabrielle Coppola, Rosalinda Cassibba, Giuseppe Moro - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study concerning domestic adoption explored the adjustment of 37 adolescents and 22 emerging adults (with age ranging between 11 and 18 and 18 and 24 years, respectively), adopted through an Italian form of open adoption, and analyzed the quality of adoptive family relationships and adoptees' attachment as possible moderating variables in the relation between multiple pre-adoptive risk factors and adoptees' outcomes.

Lina Ponnert & Susanna Johansson - The British Journal of Social Work,

The aim of this article is to analyse juridification and standardisation as two legal dimensions influencing contemporary child-protection work, and to discuss its implications for practice.


UNICEF is seeking an Emergency Specialist in Child Protection in Ukraine. 

Kerry Alexandra - TRT World,

This video from TRT World describes the deinstitutionalization process underway in Romania, including the efforts of the Robin Hood Centre and Hope and Homes for Children to transition to family-based care models in the country.

Alessio Fasulo - Save the Children Italy,

As part of the "Children Come First: Intervention at the border" project, Save the Children Italy elaborates and disseminates, on a quarterly basis, a dossier containing quantitative and qualitative information (profiles) relating to migrant minors entering Italy. This dossier contains information relating to the last quarter of 2017.

Refugee Council and Oxfam,

This joint report by the Refugee Council and Oxfam is one of the first to look at how family reunion and ongoing forced separation from loved ones affect the ability of refugees to successfully integrate into UK society. 

Republic of Moldova,

În scopul executării art. 20 lit. c) din Legea nr. 140 din 14 iunie 2013 privind protecţia specială a copiilor aflaţi în situaţie de risc şi a copiilor separaţi de părinţi (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2013, nr. 167-172, art.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova,

The 2018 Annual Social Report presents an analysis of the general characteristics of the policies of the health, labor and social protection system as a whole.