
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Marta Santos-Nunes, Isabel Narciso, Salomé Vieira-Santos, Magda Sofia Roberto - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aimed to test the impact of parents' evaluation of expectations on their child's behavioral problem by investigating a sequential mediation effect of parenting stress and parental satisfaction.

Ala Sirriyeh, Muireann Ni Raghallaigh - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper presents findings from two studies, in England (2012) and Ireland (2013), which explored experiences of unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) in foster care.

Louise Tickle - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian describes the lack of support that many kinship carers in the UK experience. 

Anouk Goemans, Mitch van Geel, Tom F. Wilderjans, Joost R. van Ginkel, Paul Vedder - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study reports the findings of a three-wave longitudinal study wherein the researchers examined the development of school engagement and analyzed which factors were predictive of school engagement in a sample of 363 Dutch foster children.

Claire Cameron, Katie Hollingworth, Ingrid Schoon, Eric van Santen, Wolfgang Schröer, Tiina Ristikari, Tarja Heino, Elina Pekkarinen - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper examines the longer term outcomes of young people who experienced out of home care (OHC) as children, in Britain, Germany and Finland, countries characterised by different welfare regimes. 

Professor Julie Selwyn, Levana Magnus and Dr Bobby Stuijfzand - University of Bristol School for Policy Studies and Coram Voice,

This report from the University of Bristol School for Poicy Studies and Coram Voice presents findings from a 2017 survey, in which 2,263 looked after children and young people from 16 local authorities in the United Kingdom completed the ‘Your Life, Your Care’ survey to determine their subjective, self-reported wellbeing. 

Julie Samuels,

This chapter raises questions about the use of unregulated websites and the commodification of children that seek forever families, how far adoption in the digital age will be further redefined remains to be seen.

Nadia Rania, Laura Migliorini, Lucia Fagnini - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present research aimed to describe and compare three new second-level intervention models to improve the care of unaccompanied migrant minors in Italy.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

Prepared for the Agenda 2030 for Children: End Violence Solutions Summit, held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14-15 February 2018, this report tracks progress towards prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children in Pathfinding countries. 

Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children,

The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, and partners, are issuing an urgent call to action, bringing together governments, the UN, civil society, the private sector, academics and children themselves to design and share bold solutions for preventing and responding to violence against boys and girls during the first End Violence Solutions Summit.