
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC) & JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc.,

This final report presents key learning, findings, and results of the “Children in Moldova are Cared for in Safe and Secure Families” (Children in Moldova) project.

Eavan Brady & Robbie Gilligan - Realising potential in foster care,

In this paper, the authors outline key findings about the educational attainment of children and young people in care as identified by national and international research on this topic.

Matt Woolgar, Carmen Pinto and Olivia Tomaselli, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust,

This Briefing Note adds to the developing picture of adoption support issues by analysing data on 20 children and young people consecutively referred to the special adoption and fostering service at the Maudsley – a wellrespected and established national CAMHS service.

Raluca Malvina Stanciu - Euromentor,

The paper aims to analyze the situation of children of Romanian migrants left at home in the care of a parent or other guardian (with or without legal forms).

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This publication from Opening Doors for Europe's Children calls upon the EU to maintain, strengthen and expand the use of funds so they make a greater impact and go further to eliminate institutions for children across Europe and beyond.

Alice Lucas, Marta Welander - Refugee Rights Europe,



Helen Bouma, Mónica López López, Erik J Knorth, Hans Grietens - Child Abuse & Neglect ,

In this study, the participation of children in the Dutch child protection system (CPS) under the new Youth Act 2015 is critically analyzed.

Andrea Verdasco - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies ,

Through the case of a young Sri Lankan woman who arrived in Denmark as an ‘unaccompanied asylum-seeking minor’ and spent five years within the Danish asylum system, this article explores how she experienced moving through different legal categories and the institutional settings associated with them.

Kirti Zeijlmans, Mónica López, Hans Grietens, Erik J. Knorth - Child & Family Social Work,

This study answers the following question: “How does the case-specific context influence the practitioners' decision-making process regarding matching in family foster care?”

Vasileia Digidiki & Jacqueline Bhabha - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study explores sexual abuse and exploitation of unaccompanied migrant children in Greece, and the risk factors associated with their occurrence.