
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

The Ukraine Children's Care Group,

МЕТОЮ ЦЬОГО ДОКУМЕНТУ З РЕКОМЕНДАЦІЯМИ є надати певну рамку для підтримки фахівців-практиків і посадовців, відповідальних за вироблення політики у сфері опіки та піклування над дітьми, як в Україні, так і в країнах, які приймають біженців, у рамках заходів реагування, що стосуються опіки та догляду за дітьми в контексті України у відповідності до міжнародних стандартів і належної практики у сфері опіки та піклування та забезпечення альтернативних форм догляду.

Brit McCandless Farmer,

This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley reported from Ukraine. He spoke with Ukraine's first lady, Olena Zelenska, who spoke about the toll the war has taken on Ukrainian families. 

Niall McCracken - BBC News,

Shannon and Star were both brought up in the care system. They have been speaking to BBC News NI about how they want to challenge stereotypes about children in care. They are among a group of young people who have developed a manifesto with Barnardo's NI to lobby politicians.

Changing the Way We Care în parteneriat cu CCF Moldova, Keystone Moldova and Partnerships for Every Child,

În 2021-2022, CTWWC în parteneriat cu trei organizații ale societății civile: Keystone Moldova, Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF Moldova) și Asociația Parteneriate pentru Fiecare Copil (P4EC), a realizat o serie de cercetări la nivel național, inclusiv evaluarea complexă a șase instituții rezidențiale (IR).

Changing the Way We Care in partnership with CCF Moldova, Keystone Moldova and Partnerships for Every Child,

During 2021-2022, Changing the Way We Care in partnership with three civil society institutions: Keystone Moldova, Child, Community and Family (CCF Moldova) and Partnerships for Every Child (P4EC), conducted a series of assessments on the national level, including a complex evaluation of six residential institutions (RI).

Joe Duggan - iNews,

Migrant children could be sent to Rwanda by mistake if the UK Home Office wrongly decides they are adults, campaigners have warned. The Refugee Council raised concerns after highlighting errors it claims were made in some of the department’s age assessments for youngsters who have sought asylum in the UK.

A. Cailliez, P. Duverger, M. Rozé, D. Rousseau, E. Riquin,

This qualitative study designed to identify potential prognostic factors relating to the outcome of children placed in a welfare center or foster care before the age of 4 years was based on the analysis of 34 case histories of children placed in a welfare center or foster care in Angers.

Marie Hatlelid Føleide,

This article analyses the accounts of children’s spokespersons in Norway, whose mandate is to speak with and forward children’s views in care proceedings. The analyses show how constructions of loyalty, family interdependence, and individualism may inform spokespersons’ interpretations of children’s views, and thereby their exploratory practices in their conversations with the children.

Changing the Way We Care,

This case study is part of a series of case studies conducted in India, Kenya, Moldova and Uganda over the course of 2020-2022 to share information on how COVID-19 has and is affecting family-child reunification, alternative care placement, and offers recommendations for family- and community-based care of vulnerable children in the context of COVID-19 and future emergencies.

UN Child Rights Committee,

The UN Child Rights Committee (CRC) today issued its findings on Germany, Kuwait, North Macedonia, the Philippines, South Sudan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam after reviewing the eight States parties during its latest session.