
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


This article highlights the findings and recommendations from the report on sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester. According to the article, the report found that of the 3,242 individuals reported missing to Greater Manchester Police, 530 were in care. The report stated that one in five of those reported missing in Greater Manchester were at risk of serious harm, including Child Sexual Exploitation

Tourism Concern: Action for Ethical Tourism ,

Better Volunteering, Better Care steering committee member Hope and Homes for Children, and project team member Daniela Papi participated in a panel on volunteering with children at this Tourism Concern event in the UK in October.

M. Angeles Balsells, Crescencia Pastor, Pere Amorós, Ainoa Mateos, Carmen Ponce and Alicia Navajas - Social Sciences,

This study investigates the specific training needs of the biological family during the transition phase of the reunification process in which the child prepares to return home.

Ministere de la Justice,

La présente circulaire a pour objet de présenter les contours de la 'kafala' dans les pays d'origine, d'en préciser les effets en France et de rappeler les conditions dans lesquelles un enfant ayant fait l'objet d'un recueil légal et devenu français peut être adopté.

Andrea Mazzarino, CNN Opinion,

Andrea Mazzarino, a researcher for Human Rights Watch, visited Russian orphanages as part of a human rights investigation into the conditions and potential abuses in the orphanage system, especially for children with disabilities.


Three former orphans with severe disabilities attempt to make the grueling ascent to Africa’s highest peak to help Russian orphanages. Their Journey is documented in a new RT documentary.

Dr. Rachel A Harris & Dr. Ian Milligan ,

This document reports on an Institutional Learning Process that has critically analysed the impact and effectiveness of Terre des hommes’ (Tdh) engagement in Albania over the last 14 years. It looks at the role Tdh has played in the emergence of a State Child Protection System (CPS) in Albania. 

Department for Education, United Kingdom ,

This report includes the statistical information regarding looked-after children in the UK for the year 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.

Helen Pidd ,

A police force in South Yokshire, UK is criticised for turning a blind eye to the sexual exploitation of 1,400 children in Rotherham has been further rebuked for “weaknesses” in its child protection procedures.


2014 Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity ,