
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


This Guide, written in Spanish, features a compilation of several social protection programs, services and public policies that resulted in the prevention of family breakdown and in the support of families and communities in caring and protecting their children.  All these examples are taken from the Latin American region, Italy and Romania.

Meredith Kiraly - Child Family Community Australia Paper No. 31 ,

This paper systematically reviews surveys of kinship carers in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to identify messages for policy and practice about the characteristics and support needs of kinship care families.

Yudhijit Bhattacharjee - National Geographic,

In this article, Yudhijit Bhattacharjee discusses the critical brain development that happens in the first year of a baby’s life, and the impact that growing up in poverty has on that cognitive development.

Mary Daly, Rachel Bray, Zlata Bruckauf, Jasmina Byrne, Alice Margaria, Ninoslava Pecnik, Maureen Samms-Vaughan ,

This report examines and analyses policies and provision for family support and parenting support based on general literature searches and evidence gathered from 33 UNICEF national offices and detailed case studies of nine countries.


This report summarizes the discussions and activities held at Eurochild’s 11th Annual Conference, co-hosted by Hope and Homes for Children in Bucharest, Romania on 26-28 November 2014. 

Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This working paper, produced by the Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, explores the topic of social service workforce strengthening as it relates to child care reform.

Disability Rights International and Your Dimension,

This report documents Ukraine’s Soviet-era system of orphanages and other institutions for children with disabilities. The report details the violence, exploitation, and other human rights violations that are frequently committed against these children. It also shows how families who wish to keep their children with disabilities at home are often forced to institutionalize them as a result of lack of support. 

Leyla Ismayiloya, Fred Ssewamala, Aytakin Huseynli - Children and Youth Services Review,

Through a desk review of peer reviewed journal and “grey” literature published in English and Russian languages, this paper provides a review of current deinstitutionalization efforts in the region, identifies potential challenges, describes the need for economic empowerment interventions, and outlines directions for future research.

Commission europeenne,

Le présent examen par les pairs s’articule autour de plusieurs axes thématiques: la protection de l’enfance, l’assistance aux familles et le soutien parental. Il aborde également d’autres thèmes tels que la nécessité d’une approche à facettes multiples mais intégrée des interventions auprès des familles marginalisées; l’importance de la recherche et de la collecte d’éléments factuels pour la planification et l’exécution; et l’habilitation des personnes à aider afin qu’elles prennent pleinement part au processus d’intervention.