
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Linda Daly - Independent ,

This article examines adoption from three different perspectives - that of an adoptive mother, that of a mother whose child was adopted by another family, and that of an adoptee - through the personal adoption stories of three women in Ireland.

Harvey Gallagher - The Guardian ,

This opinion piece by Harvey Gallagher, Chief executive of the Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers, argues the need for a “ re-think to rid ourselves of outdated notions” when it comes to foster care in the UK.

RTE News,

This article from RTE News discusses the new Children and Family Relationship Bill to be enacted in Ireland.

Frances Perraudin - The Guardian ,

The Labour government in the UK will announce a new plan to improve child protection policies, according to this article from the Guardian.

Patrick Howse - BBC News ,

Tristram Hunt, shadow education secretary in the UK, will be announcing a series of new measures to support children and families, including offering new “kinship rights” to children in the care of their siblings, grandparents, or other relatives.

Mette Ejrnæs - University of Copenhagen Department of Economics ,

The University of Copenhagen Department of Economics is conducting an externally funded research project on the effectiveness of interventions for children living in out-of-home care.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the fourth periodic reports of Switzerland (CRC/C/CHE /2-4).

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Medical Xpress,

A recent study from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project has revealed that children who were placed in institutional care have an increased risk of demonstrating behaviors associated with autism, such as impaired social communication, according to the article.


Esta Guía reúne una serie de programas, prácticas y políticas públicas que resultaron en la garantía del derecho a la convivencia familiar y comunitaria de niñas y niños en su primera infancia. En particular, se caracterizan por ser innovadoras o por haber obtenido buenos resultados en la protección y la restitución de este derecho. Las experiencias recopiladas abarcan programas, proyectos e iniciativas públicas, privadas o mixtas de fortalecimiento familiar, provisión de cuidados alternativos, y de reintegración familiar.