
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Eric Mathews, Eric Rosenthal, Laurie Ahern, Halyna Kurylo - Disability Rights International ,

This report is a product of a three-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into the abuses experienced by children - both with and without disabilities - in large-scale institutions, psychiatric facilities, and boarding schools in Ukraine, of whom there are nearly 100,000, according to the report.

Johanna Sundqvist, Jonas Hansson, Mehdi Ghazinour, Kenneth Ögren & Mojgan Padyab - Global Journal of Health Science,

This study aimed to bridge the gap in knowledge of the relationship between general mental health and working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children who are due for forced repatriation for social workers and police officers in Sweden.

Claire Cameron, Daniela Reimer & Mark Smith - European Journal of Social Work,

This article reports on a preliminary exploration of fostering across 11 European countries, reflecting different care and education traditions.

Meri Kulmala, Maija Jäppinen and Jouko Nikula - XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development,

This paper, presented at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development in Moscow on 8 April 2015, outlines a research project analyzing ongoing foster care reform in Russia in the context of the country’s new family policies.

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB),

The 'Tackling CSE Toolkit' is designed to assist frontline practitioners working with children in identifying Child Sexual Exploitation and taking appropriate action.

Laura Arnau Sabatés and Robbie Gilligan,

Work is important for promoting social inclusion, especially for marginalised or economically vulnerable populations. There is also evidence that work is associated with stability and social integration for young people who have left care.

Benjamin Perks - UNICEF Connect ,

In this UNICEF blog post, the author, Benjamin Perks, describes the many detrimental effects of institutionalization on young children and infants. The author highlights the 2012 Call to Action to eradicate placement of children under 3 in large scale institutions in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe and the advances made since then in reducing the numbers of children in institutions in the region.

Aycan Çelikaksoy and Eskil Wadensjö - The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA),

This report provides a general background to the demographic makeup of the population of unaccompanied minors who have migrated to Sweden, including an examination of their educational and employment characteristics.

Annie Edwards & Jini Roby - Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive - Family, Home, and Social Sciences,

This one-page presentation outlines the research questions, data, methods, results, literature review, discussion and implications of a study that looked at the effects of a child’s relationship to head of household, age, and orphan status on the severity of discipline they receive in Ghana, Iraq, Costa Rica, Vietnam,and Ukraine.

Vicki Welch, Christine Jones, Kirsten Stalker, Alasdair Stewart - Children and Youth Services Review,

This review of literature covers international material related to stability and permanence for disabled children, in particular permanence achieved through fostering and adoption.