
Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 4204

List of Organisations


In this Ethiopia Child Protection Fact Sheet, UNHCR provides the main child protection highlights, issues, and trends for 2014 to 2016.  

International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI),

The Planning Committee for the 2017 International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI) is pleased to invite abstract proposals for oral presentations, interactive poster presentations, and panels relating to the process and findings of child indicators research. 

UK Department for Education,

This statistical release provides information about looked after children in England for the year ending 31 March 2016, including where they are placed, their legal status, the numbers starting and ceasing to be looked after, and the numbers who go missing or are away from their placement without authorisation. 

Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation,

This webinar will provide an overview of the Framework and how the eight QIC-AG partner sites utilize it to assess their system of care. Through the use of a video, participants will obtain a detailed explanation of each interval in the Framework; including the target population and practice principles, as well as the interventions chosen by each site. 

Jacquiline Huerrera - The Huffington Post,

In this opinion piece from the Huffington Post, Jacquiline Huerrera discusses how it is risky to make broad statements against orphanages.  

Jennifer Biggs Miller, Donna DeGracia, Maureen Dykinga, Deb Filer, Mary Hearst, Renee Hepperlen, Dana Johnson, Zeina Makhoul, Paula Rabaey, Holly Willis,

This document provides a formative assessment on the state of children with disabilities in Zambia.

Nadine Ajaka - The Atlantic,

The Atlantic reviews the challenges children face in the rural Kentucky.

Priscilla Alvarez - The Atlantic,

This article from the Atlantic provides historical context behind President Obama's current push for refugee support.

United Nations General Assembly, high-level meeting to address large movements of refugees and migrants,

The New York Declaration is the outcome document of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting to address large movements of refugees and migrants, held in New York on the 19th September 2016.

United Nations,

This is a press release from United Nations stating that world leaders joined to adopt New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants.