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List of Organisations

The Future of Children,

The Future of Children, a collaboration of Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Brookings Institute, has launched a new project entitled “The Child & Family Blog.”

The theme is Stepping up the Pace. Online registration has opened and the conference organisers have issued a call for abstractsfor original contribution to the field.

UNICEF, PEPFAR, UNAIDS, USAID, The World Bank, The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS,

This call to action is for all who are committed to achieving an AIDS-free generation.

The Teresa Group, the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS and Living Positive Victoria and Straight Arrows,

The symposium Children and HIV: Start Early, Start Now–Integrated interventions for young children born into HIV-affected families will examine proactive, integrated approaches that focus on early childhood and HIV.


The Heads of State of the Caribbean region endorsed the Call to Action to end the placement of children under three years of age in residential care institutions at the 35th CARICOM conference.

Emily Dugan - Independent,

This article from the UK's Independent explores the findings of a recent study conducted by York University and the NSPCC which finds that "on average there are between 450 and 550 cases of proven abuse every year in foster care and between 250 and 300 cases of confirmed abuse a year in residential care" in Britain.

Christie Schoenmaker, Femmie Juffer, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg - In A. Ben-Arieh et al. (eds.), Handbook of Child Well-Being, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht,

In this chapter of the Handbook of Child Well-Being, the authors review the findings from research on the cognitive and social-emotional development of children growing up in institutions, foster care and adoption.

Center for International Social Work at Rutgers University’s School of Social Work, International Social Service-USA,

The toolkit provides the user with a comprehensive assessment framework for analyzing current systems, procedures, and practices against international standards and professional case management practices at both the case level and system level. This toolkit does not promote a specific model of case management since no one approach or model can be applied to every situation. Rather, it outlines the beneficial aspects, processes, and strategies of case management that have shown improved outcomes for children and families.

Faith to Action Initiative,

This resource is provided as a working bibliography of key research and evidence-based policy papers on the care of orphans and other vulnerable children separated from parental care.

MEASURE Evaluation,

The Child, Caregiver & Household Well-being Survey Tools for Orphans & Vulnerable Children Programs have been translated into French for use in francophone countries globally.