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List of Organisations

MEASURE Evaluation,

The questionnaire for children ages 10-17 years is intended for use as one of the OVC survey tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation, with support from the OVC technical working group of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

MEASURE Evaluation,

The questionnaire for children ages 0-9 years is intended for use as one of the OVC survey tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation, with support from the OVC technical working group of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).


This six-week long certificate course is aimed at professionals working with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, government officials, NGO staff, development workers, human rights advocates, academics and students.

Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children,

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children, (SRSG on VAC), Marta Santos Pais, promoted a Cross-Regional Round Table on the prevention of violence in early childhood with representatives from several regional organisations.

Harold Goodwin ,

Harold Goodwin, the man behind Responsible Tourism day at the World Travel Market and the International Centre for Responsible Tourism, gives his thoughts after attending the Better Volunteering, Better Care workshop.

Kelley Bunkers, Amanda Cox, Sarah Gesiriech, and Kerry Olson, Faith to Action Initiative,

Ce résumé sur les recherches est offert aux églises, aux organisations confessionnelles et aux personnes de foi qui cherchent des informations factuelles sur les meilleures façons de venir en aide aux orphelins et aux enfants privés de la protecti

Kelley Bunkers, Amanda Cox, Sarah Gesiriech, and Kerry Olson, Faith to Action Initiative,

El presente resumen de investigaciones se ofrece a iglesias, organizaciones religiosas y personas de fe que buscan información basada en pruebas sobre la mejor manera de cuidar a huérfanos y niños separados del cuidado parental.

Kelley Bunkers, Amanda Cox, Sarah Gesiriech, and Kerry Olson, Faith to Action Initiative,

This Summary of Research provides a concise overview of a range of studies and findings that can inform approaches to caring for children who, through orphanhood, abandonment, or other causes, have been separated from parental care.

United Nations Economic and Social Council,

The UN Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution on 12 June 2014 in observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond.

Faith to Action Initiative,

Faith to Action's latest publication, "Children, Orphanages, and Families: A Summary of Research to Help Guide Faith-Based Action" is now available online