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List of Organisations

Catherine Panter-Brick, Adrienne Burgess, Mark Eggerman, Fiona McAllister, Kyle Pruett, and James F. Leckman - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,

In this study, the researchers conducted a systematic database and a thematic hand search of the global literature on parenting interventions in order to gather and assess the evidence on father participation and impact in parenting interventions. This article presents the results of the study and identifies three key priorities for successfully engaging fathers.

Barn Magazine, Save the Children Sweden,

Barn is a magazine about children’s rights published by Save the Children Sweden with four issues per year. This issue is focused on the role of fathers in children’s wellbeing and development.

Working Group ‘Quality of Care,’ of the Better Care Network Netherlands ,

This leaflet was developed by the Working Group ‘Quality of Care’ of Better Care Network. It is  published by Better Care Network Netherlands. The leaflet provides useful information on child development and children’s care for those planning to volunteer at orphanages in developing countries.

SOS Children’s Villages,

In this paper, SOS Children’s Villages demonstrates how children who lack or are at risk of losing parental care are highly vulnerable to various forms of poverty and inequality. The paper proposes operational strategies for action as well as targets and indicators designed to monitor progress among these children.

Nigel Cantwell, UNICEF,

This study, conducted by Nigel Cantwell and UNICEF, seeks to answer the question: “what is it that enables a policy, process, decision or practice to be qualified as either respectful or in violation of the best interests of the child in intercountry adoption?”

Jorge F. del Valle and Amaia Bravo,

This article closes a special edition focused on the state of child protection in 16 countries chosen to represent very different cultural contexts, historical backgrounds, and social welfare systems with special attention to out-of-home care placements, principally family foster care and residential care, though several aspects related to adoption were included as well.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

This comprehensive report by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children analyses data regarding progress toward eliminating corporal punishment amongst all states party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

United Nations,

The United Nations General Assembly adopted on the 18th December 2013 a resolution on Preparations for and observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family.

United Nations,

The United Nations General Assembly adopted without a vote four resolutions on children’s rights on the 18th December 2013, focused on the Rights of the Child, the Girl Child, Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Strengthening Collaboration on Child Protection within the United Nations system.

Open Society Foundations,

The Open Society produced a short film discussing the importance and benefits of early childhood intervention in enhancing development opportunities for children.