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List of Organisations


Outlines the contributions of UNICEF to national and international efforts to fulfill children’s right to protection.


Outlines the contributions of UNICEF to national and international efforts to fulfill children’s right to protection


Describe las contribuciones de UNICEF a los esfuerzos nacionales e internacionales para cumplir el derecho de los niños a la protección.

Save the Children Sweden,

Documents children’s opinions about the services and education they receive on sexuality, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa

UNICEF Innocenti,

L'article 20 de la CDE souligne que l’obligation de garantir la protection adéquate de l’enfant revient à l’Etat. Un grand nombre des pays examinés ont pris des mesures pour rendre leur législation conforme à ces principes.

International Social Service,

Explores the principles of the Draft UN Guidelines governing the prevention of resort to alternative care and provides a short case study on successful programming

United Nations High Commission on Refugees,

Provides a formal mechanism to determine the best interests of the child as a mechanism within a child protection system

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre,

A great change is coming over childhood in the world’s richest countries. Today’s rising generation is the first in which a majority is spending a large part of early childhood in some form of out-of-home child care. This Report Card discusses the opportunities and risks involved in the child care transition, and proposes internationally applicable benchmarks for early childhood care and education.

Shihning Chou, Kevin Browne & Melanie Kirkaldy,

Investigation of intercountry adoption agencies on the internet and their compliance with the UNCRC.

Helen C. Armstrong for Free the Slaves,

A manual for starting and improving rehabilitation and recovery services for freed slaves, including child victims of slavery, trafficking, the worst forms of child labor, and forced marriages.