
Displaying 3831 - 3840 of 4204

List of Organisations

Arkadi Toritsyn,

Project Evaluation Report for UNICEF Moldova

Elizabeth Larson,

A personal story about adopting a child from Guatemala.

Christina Baglietto, International Social Service,

Discusses adoption as a child protection mechanism in the context of the Draft UN Guidelines on Alternative Care

Rachel Hodgkin and Peter Newell - UNICEF,

This Implementation Handbook offers explanation and analysis of the articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The aim of the handbook is to be a tool for implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and to provide additional insight and interpretation. 

Steering Committee of the IATT on Children and HIV and AIDS,

Evaluates AIDS mitigation and targeting with child sensitive objectives and global guidance

International Reference Centre for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

Review of various topics surrounding the area of adoption.

IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings,

These guidelines reflect the insights of practitioners from different geographic regions, disciplines and sectors, and reflect an emerging consensus on good practice among practitioners. The core idea behind them is that, in the early phase of an emergency, social supports are essential to protect and support mental health and psychosocial well-being. In addition, the guidelines recommend selected psychological and psychiatric interventions for specific problems.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service for UNHCR,

Guidance and preconditions on use of Best Interests Determination for unaccompanied and separated children

Marina Stephanoff,

L’enfant du placement familial grandit en terre étrangère. C’est à partir de cet « exil » et dans les allers-retours entre sa famille et sa famille d’accueil qu’il va se construire. Mais sa place n’est pas pérenne. Elle peut être fragilisée par les passages à l’acte de l’enfant.

Bilson, A. & Cox, P. ,

Examines practice of using institutional care for children in poverty and recommends alternative responses to maintain families.