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List of Organisations

Virtual Philanthropy is a guided tour for nonprofits looking to understand the steps they should take in order to get in front of, and eventually get funding from, foundations and donors.

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This infographic explores how epigenetics relates to child development and how early experiences can have lifelong impacts.


This Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) provides an overview of the necessary elements to safely transition children from institutions to families and family-like care settings.

Child Resilience Alliance,

This Guide and Toolkit outlines why a community-led approach is needed and how to start putting it into practice, using a mixture of real-life examples, key tips and reflective questions.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

Members of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance’s Case Management Interest Group developed this Compendium to share existing best practice case management tools and resources.

Child Soldiers International,

This Child Soldiers World Index from Child Soldiers International is the global authority on the recruitment and use of children by state armed forces and non-state armed groups.

ReThink Orphanages,

This position paper from ReThink Orphanages explains ReThink's position on the alternative care of children and what are the most favorable forms of alternative care, in the best interests of children.

ReThink Orphanages,

This factsheet from ReThink Orphanages provides an overview of the institutional care of children around the world and how Australia contributes to that institutionalization. 

ReThink Orphanages,

This fact sheet from ReThink Orphanages presents quick facts about residential care for children around the world.

One Sky Foundation,

In this video, One Sky Foundation describes its work to strengthen families and keep children out of children's homes in the Thai-Burma border district of Sangkhlaburi.