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This webinar will be the third in the Spotlight Series on Foster Care Practice. The webinar will focus on safety and protection in Foster Care
This Maestral document aims to provide guidance on how to provide credible evidence and support for an increased budget for child protection policies and plans of action.
This toolkit was developed with and for philanthropic funders who want to better understand how to support child and youth participation. It builds on an ECFG study published in 2021, Shifting the Field: Philanthropy’s Role in Strengthening Child- and Youth-Led Community Rooted Groups, which maps current practices in philanthropic support for child- and youth-led work at the community level and provides strategic advice to donors on how to strengthen their funding modalities through participatory approaches.
Do you want to learn more how civil society organisations can deliver a change for the most vulnerable children?
Keeping Children Safe has a team of child safeguarding practitioners with international training experience, strategically located in different parts of the world. KCS offers free online workshops on child safeguarding.
With public health leaders convening in Geneva this week for the annual World Health Assembly, there couldn’t be a better moment to reckon with the glaring disparities between the global haves and have-nots that have been laid bare by the COV
The consultant will create a Toolkit for Participatory Evaluation of Practice, which will become a robust guide for local civil society organisations (CSOs) to evaluate their practice and programmes. The consultant will then pilot use of the toolkit amongst local CSOs working across different contexts, and finally deliver training to Family for Every Child Members through online training workshops.
The pandemic has claimed more than 6.25 million lives since it began in March 2020—and millions more have been lost indirectly through overburdened health care systems and other circumstances. Those numbers mean the pandemic is depriving children of parents and caregivers.
Worldwide, researchers believe more than 7.5 million children so far have suffered the loss of a parent or primary caregiver to Covid-19. They report that pandemic-associated orphanhood and caregiver loss are increasing at an unparalleled speed.
Putting Children and Young People at the Heart of Care Reform is an introductory manual aimed at practitioners. The manual provides a comprehensive overview of how to meaningfully engage children and young people in care reform. It covers the legal and theoretic framework, the basics in how to engage with children and young people, how to be inclusive and practical ways to engage children and young people in monitoring and evaluation. It also has an extensive chapter on how children and young people can and should be involved throughout care reform, from making decisions about their own care, right up to engaging in global policy decisions. It will challenge readers to increase participation in their own work and equip them with tools to do so in a safe and meaningful way.