Displaying 71 - 80 of 97
In Egypt, a decree has been issued to amend the 1996 Children’s Act in order to allow the placement of children into foster homes at a younger age, says the article.
In Egypt, a decree has been issued to amend the 1996 Children’s Act in order to allow the placement of children into foster homes at a younger age, says the article.
La Cooperation italienne et l'UNICEF ont lancé un projet dédié à la désinstitutionalisation des enfants privés de milieu familial en Tunisie. Le projet intervient dans le domaine de la protection de l'enfance, et vise à contribuer à ce que les enfants vulnérables et notamment les enfants nés hors mariage, les enfants et les adolescents en situation de danger ou handicapés puissent jouir de leurs droits et bénéficier d’un environnement familial de qualité, propice à leur garantir un bien-être et un développement harmonieux.
Rapport de capitalisation sur le volet médicosocial du projet « Tamkine-Migrants » 2011 – 2014 d’appui à la prise en charge de femmes migrantes enceintes et de leurs enfants.
This Masters thesis paper, by Michael Maher King of the University of Oxford, reviews the situations of children in institutional alternative care in Israel and Japan.
In this opinion piece, Sarah Sagley Klotz shares her experience of growing up in a small Christian community in the US, learning about the needs of the world from sermons and videos, and later fully realizing the hardships of vulnerable and orphaned children in the developing world through her travels to Mongolia and North Africa.
This article reports on delays in the implementation of a two-year-old law aimed at caring for orphans in the United Arab Emirates apparently linked to the delayed construction of a new and expanded shelter.
This report, from the African Child Policy Forum, is aimed at informing and accelerating pan-African, regional and national efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children.
Près de 24 nouveaux-nés sont abandonnés quotidiennement au Maroc, selon la dernière enquête menée par l’association marocaine Insaf. Ce constat, pour le moins troublant, a été soulevé lors des débats programmés par le Salon de la petite enfance et de la kafala.
This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as part of its examination of Tunisia’s initial report adopted by the Committee at its fifth session.