Middle East & North Africa

Displaying 21 - 30 of 293

List of Organisations

Yolande Knell - BBC,

Born amid the horrors of the war in Gaza, the month-old baby girl lying in an incubator has never known a parent's embrace. She was delivered by Caesarean section after her mother, Hanna, was crushed in an Israeli air strike. Hanna did not live to name her daughter.

Wyre Davies - BBC News,

The war in Gaza has already let to an unprecedented loss of life, but there's also growing concern about the destruction of public and private buildings. Now a senior UN official has told BBC News of his fears that the widespread damage will lead to a "lost generation" of young people.

Mohamed Ahmed - Libya Observer,

Italy and Libya signed on December 20 an agreement allowing the evacuation of 1,500 vulnerable migrants from Libya to Italy, over the next 3 years.

Dalia Haidar - BBC News Arabic,

Medics working in the Gaza Strip are using a specific phrase to describe a particular kind of war victim. "There's an acronym that's unique to the Gaza Strip, it's WCNSF - wounded child, no surviving family - and it's not used infrequently," Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan who works with Doctors Without Borders told BBC News.

ACERWC, African Union,

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC/the Committee), in collaboration with African Union Member States, partner organizations, children and young people, launches the first of its kind Continental Study on Children Without Parental Care (CWPC) in Africa. The study, conducted from 2020 to 2022, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, covered over 43 countries in the five regions of Africa.

Rebecca Paveley - Church Times,

CHILDREN growing up in the Middle East are increasingly affected by climate change, and are expose

Nurul Izzah Anwar, Yolanda Augustin - Project Syndicate,

KUALA LUMPUR – In just over 50 days, some 20,000 civilians in Gaza have been

Sara Ahmad Taha, Manal Anabtawi,

This study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of unaccompanied refugee children in Jordan and shed light on their unique challenges and needs.

Office of the High Commissioner For Human Rights,

The U.N. human rights chief on Friday called for an investigation into what he called Israel's use of "high-impact explosive weapons" in Gaza, which he said was causing indiscriminate destruction in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

Joint Statement,

22 organisations are urging the EU to call for the respect of international humanitarian law and an immediate ceasefire by all parties as the number of children being killed continues to rise.