Regions & Countries

Displaying 10861 - 10870 of 14428

The International Institute of Knowledge Management & The International Child and Youth Care Network (CYC Net),

The 1st International Conference on Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Caring to Notice! will be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th of February 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Miranda Forster - Stuff,

A recent infant death has instigated calls for the establishment of baby hatches and “safe haven laws” in Australia, allowing people to lawfully and anonymously surrender their infants.

Kimberley Richards,

NYC-based organization offers volunteer "Interim Parenting Program" for biological parents considering adoption for their newborns. 

Lindsay Stark - Huffington Post,

This article describes the alarming trend of poor families placing their children in orphanages in Cambodia, in the hopes of providing them with better educational and other opportunities.

Global Communities and Hope and Homes for Children,

This report highlights stories of some children, youth and families who have been assisted under the Ishema Mu Muryango program. While each of their stories is unique, all highlight some common themes about institutionalization and child abandonment in Rwanda. 

Cuong Viet Nguyen - Social Science & Medicine,

This study examines whether parental migration can affect health and cognitive ability of left-behind children aged at 5-8 years old in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam.

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health,

A new video describes a Mailman School-led study to assess the size of the problem. Interspersed with footage of children in informal settlements and orphanages, researchers and officials describe the growth of residential care facilities in Cambodia, many which are operated or funded by foreign charities, including religious groups. 

Harold Goodwin,

The dangers of volunteering in, visiting or donating to orphanages have been known for several years. Orphanages are not always what they seem and the demand for orphanage tourism can fuel child trafficking and abuse. The Better Volunteering, Better Care initiative has been campaigning globally to raise awareness of the danger to children of volunteering in orphanages.

Better Care Network,

Better Care Network is excited to launch its new online community of practice, Care To Practice: supporting children's care practitioners in Eastern and Southern Africa.

David Shemmings, The Guardian,

This article provides tips for social workers and practitioners working with children and families regarding attachment.