Eastern Africa

Displaying 521 - 530 of 1525

List of Organisations

CPC Learning Network,

CPC Learning Network is seeking a Project Officer to implement a project to measure the impact of efforts to reduce child labor and modern trafficking.

Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

The study's objective was to determine what successful caregivers of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in diverse countries do to sustain their positive mental health.

Robert Kakuru, Archangel Byaruhanga Rukooko and Gervase Tusabe - Journal of African Studies and Development,

This study sought to examine social protection mechanisms for children living on the streets of Uganda, a case study of Kampala.

UNICEF Malawi,

UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Malawi.

Jennifer Peters, Eve Namisango, Ismael Ddumba-Nyanzi, Gwynne Zodrow,

This ex-post evaluation examines the sustainability of outcomes from USAID’s Sustainable, Comprehensive Responses for Vulnerable Children and their Families (SCORE) activity.

Jennifer Werdenberg, et al - BMC Health Services Research,

The All Babies Count (ABC) initiative was a comprehensive health systems strengthening intervention designed to improve neonatal care in rural public facilities. This article describes ABC implementation outcomes, including development of a quality improvement (QI) change package.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC),

This study seeks to improve understanding of the risks and types of sexual and gender-based violence faced by children who migrate on their own, as well as the unfortunate and widespread gaps in protection and assistance for these children.

Stephen Ucembe - Daily Nation,

"Have you ever wondered what it feels like to grow without the love and care of a family? Away from the normal community, and what it feels like to grow up in a children’s home or an orphanage?" asks Stephen Ucembe in this piece for the Daily Nation. 

Helen Nianias - The Guardian,

"A boom in the orphanage industry is fuelling concern that many institutions are run for economic benefit, with scant regulation, and are damaging children," says this article from the Guardian.

Naomi Larsson - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian shines a light on the poor conditions found in many children's home for children with disabilities in Kenya.