
Displaying 91 - 100 of 199

List of Organisations

Catholic Relief Services,


CRS is seeking a Project Director (PD) to ensure timely and quality program design, startup, implementation and management of the 4Children program in Haiti. 

Joanna Gasiorowska - Al Jazeera,

This news report describes how the foreign financing of orphanages in Haiti fuels the growth of a corrupt orphanage industry and enables unregistered institutions in the country to continue operating outside the law.

Jamaica Observer,

The Social and Health Management software (SOHEMA) Child Case Management System (CCMS), a new software system in Jamaica, will allow child protection officers to upload and track cases of children in the child protection system. 

Afton R. Kirk, Christina J. Groark, and Robert B. McCall - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This chapter from Child Maltreatment in Residential Care provides an overview of institutional care in Latin America and the Carribean, describes current efforts toward deinsitutionalization and child care reform in the region, and discusses practical suggestions for further research and reform.

Naomi Larsson - The Guardian,

The Guardian discusses the repercussions of funding and volunteering in Haitian orphanages, based on the findings from Funding Haitian Orphanages at the Cost of Children’s Rights, a recent Lumos report. 

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child during the seventy-fifth session (15 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Anastasia Moloney - ABS/CBN News,

This article discusses findings from the recent Lumos report Funding Haitian Orphanages at the Cost of Children's Rights, stressing the circumstances under which children enter into residential care as well as the prevalence of abuse within the care system. 

Jamie Vernaelde and Eugene Guillaume - Lumos,

Pour comprendre la raison pour laquelle les orphelinats continuent de se développer en Haïti et la façon dont ils affectent les enfants, Lumos a mené une enquête sur les modes de financement et les ramifications de la vie en orphelinat sur les enfants élevés entre leurs murs.

Jamie Vernaelde and Eugene Guillaume - Lumos,

In this report, Lumos investigates the funding patterns of Haitian orphanages as well as the ramifications of orphanage life for the children raised within them to better understand why orphanages continue to flourish in the country. 

Catholic Relief Services ,

CRS/Haiti is seeking a Start-up Specialist to ensure timely and quality program design and startup of the 4Children program, in close collaboration with the Head of Health, Health and Child Wellbeing Program/Project Managers, 4Children implementing consortium partners, 4Children HQ staff and other CRS staff and partners.