Northern America

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List of Organisations

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This webinar offers foundational information related to the intersection of culture, the migration journey, trauma and assessment.

Fred Wulczyn, Sara Feldman, and Scott Huhr - Center for State Child Welfare Data, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago,

For this evaluation, the authors asked whether the rate of exit to permanency increased for children whose time in foster care in New York City coincided with when private foster care agencies reached the new reduced caseload target.

Brittany Barker, Kali Sedgemore, Malcolm Tourangeau, Louise Lagimodiere, John Milloy, Huiru Dong, Kanna Hayashi, Jean Shoveller, Thomas Kerr, Kora DeBeck - Journal of Adolescent Health,

This study investigated the relationship between familial residential school system (RSS) exposure and personal child welfare system (CWS) involvement among young people who use drugs (PWUD).

Mary I. Armstrong, et al - Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida,

This report presents findings from an implementation analysis aimed at describing implementation of the U.S. state of Florida Title IV-E Demonstration Project, which allowed the state to use certain federal funds more flexibly, for services other than room and board expenses for children served in out-of-home care.

Lil Tonmyr, Margot Shields, Ajani Asokumar, Wendy Hovdestad, Jessica Laurin, Shamir Mukhi, Linda Burnside - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study assesses the feasibility of hiring coders to abstract the required information from administrative records and case narratives, to inform programs that aim to eradicate child maltreatment (CM) and to provide services to children and families in Canada.

Alexandra Sullivan, Nicole Lafko Breslend, Jessica Strolin-Goltzman, Amy Bielawski-Branch, Jennifer Jorgenson, Abigail H. Deaver, Greg Forehand, Rex Forehand - Children and Youth Services Review,

As technology enhancements effectively augment family-based interventions, the purpose of this study was to pilot a smartphone application (app) in the context of a trauma and behavior management-informed training for foster and kinship caregivers.

Melinda A. Gonzales-Backen, Jamila E. Holcomb, Lenore M. McWey - Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders,

In the current study, the authors examined the factor structure of the Children’s Depression Inventory in an ethnically diverse sample of adolescents in foster care in the US and examined the configural invariance of the measure across ethnic groups.

Carmen Monico, Karen S. Rotabi, Justin Lee - Journal of Human Rights and Social Work,

This article focuses on the “zero-tolerance” policy adopted in spring, 2018, in the USA. The implementation of this policy resulted in the forced separation of children from their families and the violation of human rights of those detained in authorized facilities and foster care.

Carmen Monico, Karen S. Rotabi, Justin Lee - Journal of Human Rights and Social Work,

This article focuses on the “zero-tolerance” policy adopted in spring, 2018, in the USA.

Marianna L. Colvin & Heather M. Thompson - The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research,

The importance of mental and behavioral health for child welfare clients is well-documented; yet, little is known about the challenges therapeutic service providers (TSPs) experience working in child welfare practice. To explore this topic, five focus groups were conducted with 40 TSPs in a contracted mental and behavioral health agency and data were analyzed following an inductive thematic process.