Northern America

Displaying 1621 - 1630 of 2448

List of Organisations

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

This factsheet for families offers tips for helping a child transition from foster care to adoption.

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

This bulletin for professionals explores concurrent planning, which is an approach that seeks to reduce the amount of time children spend in foster care by considering all reasonable permanency options the moment a child enters the system.

Save the Children,

Two senators from the US have introduced S.Res. 606, which calls on the US Congress to recognize the harmful impact that violence has on the healthy development of children and youth, a decision applauded by ChildFund, Futures Without Violence, Save the Children and World Vision, according to this press release from Save the Children.

Kayla McLaughlin, Kaley Greenman, Dr. Cindy Greenman - Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities,

This article explores current child protection services and programs in the United States and offers suggestions for development of new child protection programming to further meet the needs of vulnerable children.

Flynn, Robert J.; Miller, Meagan; Greenberg, Barbara; Michael, Erik; Vincent, Cynthia - University of Ottowa,

This paper identifies key educational outcomes among young people in care in Ontario (Canada) of pre-school, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary age.

Greenberg, Barbara; Miller, Meagan; Michael, Erik; Flynn, Robert J. - University of Ottawa,

This exploratory paper’s purpose is to determine the effect of demographic, risk, and protective factors on social-emotional development, as measured by the Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social Emotional (ASQ:SE), in children age 8 months to 5 years in out-of-home care in Ontario, Canada.

Miller, Meagan Greenberg, Barbara Michael, Erik Flynn, Robert J. - University of Ottawa,

This presentation explores the developmental assessment of young children living in out-of-home care using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires® Third Edition. 

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation reminds policymakers and child advocates in the US of the barriers that young families face. It examines national and state-level trends — highlighting areas of opportunity and concern — and then shares potential solutions that can help these families thrive.

Emily Selig - Children's Legal Rights Journal ,

This article from Children's Legal Rights Journal discusses the statistics and data regarding foster youth who are commercially exploited for sex, and examines the various reasons why foster care children represent such a large proportion of the victims.

The Annie. E. Casey Foundation,

Because foster parents play a critical role in supporting children in foster care, who often have experienced trauma, the Casey Foundation developed ARC Reflections, a nine-session program that child welfare agencies can use to train foster parents to better care for children who have had traumatic experiences.