Northern America

Displaying 1631 - 1640 of 2448

List of Organisations

Capacity Building Center for States - Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

This resource from the Capacity Building Center for States in the U.S. provides guidance on adapting child welfare services to better meet the needs of youth (ages 15 to 24) in care.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

Este recurso proporciona consejos para los cuidadores y otros para ayudar a abordar las necesidades de los niños inmigrantes y refugiados que han experimentado la separación traumática.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This resource from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides key points related to traumatic separation and immigrant and refugee children, adapted from the NCTSN fact sheet Children with Traumatic Separation: Information for Professionals.

National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG),

This guidance is designed for social service professionals to better serve guardianship families by learning about the dynamics of the family’s permanent relationships, factors that influenced their decision-making in choosing the guardianship option, and how those decisions might affect the family’s current situation.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This resource from the U.S. National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides tips for current caregivers and others to help address the needs of immigrant and refugee children who have experienced traumatic separation.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This document from the U.S. National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) identifies existing NCTSN resources related to traumatic separation, refugee and immigrant trauma, and best practices in trauma-informed care for refugee and immigrant children and families.

Becci A. Akin, Michelle Johnson‐Motoyama, Sharah Davis, Megan Paceley, Jody Brook - Child & Family Social Work,

This study sought to understand parents' experiences of the supports and barriers to engagement in an evidence‐based parenting intervention (EBPI).

Janet Mosher & Jeffery Hewit - Journal of Law and Social Policy,

This article introduces Volume 28 of the Journal of Law and Social Policy which focuses on racism and overrepresentation of indigenous and ethnic minority children and youth in the social welfare systems.

Saara Greene, Allyson Ion, Gary Dumbrill, Doe O'Brien Teengs, Kerrigan Beaver, and Mary-Elizabeth Vaccaro - Journal of Law and Social Policy,

This paper presents the qualitative analysis of pre- and post- focus groups with Children’s Aid Societies (CAS) workers who participated in the Positive Parenting Pilot Project (P4) and the emerging practice implications for working with families living with and affected by HIV.

Doret Phillips - Journal of Law and Social Policy,

This article focuses on how colonialism, anti-Black racism and white supremacy are embodied by Ontario’s child welfare system in relation to narratives of suffering experienced by Black families involved with this sector.