Northern America

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List of Organisations

Anna McKenzie, Bayleigh Marelj, and Brielle Morgan - IndigiNews,

"Months before British Columbia officially ended the controversial practice of birth alerts, government lawyers advised the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) that the practice was 'illegal and unconstitutional' and posed a 'litigation risk,' according to records obtained by IndigiNews," says this article.

Barbara Lee, Daniel Ji & Michelle O’Kane - Clinical Social Work Journal,

This research examines the intersection of cross-cultural practice and child maltreatment investigations.

Julie A. Steen, Xiaochuan Wang & Eunji Nam - Journal of Public Child Welfare,

This study provides an exploration of foster child stress and behavioral health during and after Hurricane Irma.

Daniel Gonzalez - AZ Central,

This article from AZ Central tells the stories of families who were separated upon entry to the United States from Mexico and shows "how families separated at the border under Trump's zero-tolerance policy continue to experience mental health problems as a result of the trauma they endured more than two years ago, mental health experts say."

Simon Little & Nadia Stewart - Global News,

"As the COVID-19 pandemic surges into its second year, advocates and experts say children with special needs and their families are seeing some of the toughest impacts," says this article from Global News.

Berenice Rushovich, Kristin Sepulveda, Victoria Efetevbia, Karin Malm - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article presents descriptive information on the 25 families that enrolled and received Success Coach services and 38 families in a control group using data from baseline and follow-up surveys and administrative data to examine safety, placement stability, and well-being.

Rajendra Rambajue & Christopher O’Connor - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This article combines insights from Beck’s individualization theory and Crenshaw’s intersectionality theory to enhance understandings of why youth transitioning out of the child welfare system experience risk of poor outcomes.

Stephen J. Tueller, Deborah A. Gibbs & Marianne N. Kluckman - Journal of Human Trafficking ,

The authors of this study used two independent methods to estimate prevalence of sex trafficking victimization among with prior maltreatment and foster care placements in one state in the U.S.

Sam Levin - The Guardian,

"The US government’s policy of separating migrant families at the border has continued to wreak havoc and inflict suffering in the final months of Donald Trump’s presidency, with parents still missing, reunifications blocked and reunited families struggling to pick up the pieces of their lives," says this article from the Guardian.

Nada Hassanein - USA TODAY,

The COVID-19 pandemic "has heightened challenges for multigenerational caregivers, many of whom are vulnerable to the virus while taking care of children," says this article from USA Today. "One in four children living with grandparents are Black, according to Annie E. Casey Foundation KidsCount data using U.S. Census figures."